TERMS - People Flashcards
P. Canidius
Leads Antony’s infantry in the battle of Actium. End up defecting to Caesar (Octavian) after Antony deserts them to follow Cleopatra.
Livia Drusella
Woman who Caesar (Octavian) falls in love with - his great scandal
Wife of T. Claudius Nero, while still pregnant with Nero’s child (Drusus),gets divorced and married to Octavian. Octavian is was also married and with pregnant wife.
M. Vipsanius Agrippa
Greatest general of the time (despite Antony as popular consent). Childhood friend with Octavian. In charge of Caesars (Octavians) fleets in the build up to Actium. Seizes Patrae and Corinth
Octavians sister, Antony’s third wife. Bears Antony two children - Antonia the elder (39) and Antonia the younger (36).
Helped kept things civil between Antony and her brother in the early years.
Antony divorces her to harm his relationship with Caesar.
Gaius Octavius
Born 63 BC (Octavian, Augustus, Caesar). 18 years old at the time of Juilius Caesars assassination. Expected to die because he was frail and sickly. Becomes C. Juilius Caesar Octavianus, fashions himself as Caesars son.
Sextus Pompey
Controls sea during Octavians early reign days and stops grain supply, causing scarcity in Italy. War against Octavian 38-36 loses (winning commanders: Agrippa at sea and Lepidus on land)
C. Trebonius
Consul 45 BC. Assassin of Julius Caesar, but not prosecuted, under Mark Antony’s word.
C. Cassius Longinus
Praetor 44 BC. Assassin of Julius Caesar, but not prosecuted, under Mark Antony’s word.
D. Iunius Brutus
Coz. Desig. 42BC. Assassin of Julius Caesar, but not prosecuted, under Mark Antony’s word.
M. Aemilius Lepidus
Consul 47 BC. Gained triumph before Caesar. One of the Triumvirates
Tribune of the Plebs 47 BC. At loggerheads with Antony (mag. Eq. = master of the horse) by the time Caesar returns from Egypt.
Son of Cleopatra 7 and Julius Caesar. Caesar never acknowledges. After Ptolemy 14 poisoned he becomes joint ruler with his mother.
Ptolemy 14
Rules Cyprus with sister Arsinoe after Cleopatra and Ptolemy 13 are back on the throne together. After Arsinoe is exiled, he marries Cleopatra after Ptolemy 13 drowns. Is eventually poisoned by Cleopatra.
Julius Caesar
Comes to Egypt without the king and queen being there. Occupies the palace and hands Egypt a bill for 17,500, 000 denarii ( agrees to lump sum of 10,000,000). Stuck in Egypt for the winter. Summons the king and queen to Alexandria and settles Egyptian affairs. Love affair with Cleopatra 7 starts at this point. Returns to Italy in 47 BC
47BC - dictator for several months
46BC - named dictator for ten years; consul with m. Aemilius Lepidus (who is also mag.eq.)
45BC - holds consulship alone (first since Pompey)
44BC - converted to dictator for life (dictator perpetuus); consul with Antony
assassinated on March 15 44 BC in the senate by members of the senate.
Ptolemy 13
Aged 11 at the time of his reign. Betrothed and then married to sister Cleopatra 7 (18 years), co-reign. Pushed aside in 51BC, gains throne as sole ruler in 50 BC. Drowns in river in 48 BC.