Terms of Pregnancy Flashcards
Pregnancy tests measure?
Home pregnancy tests should always be ___?
Released in the office
What is the MC method of pregnancy test used?
Why is the urine pregnancy test MC?
Affordable, reliable, and fast
How long does the urine pregnancy test take?
1-5 minutes
What type of test is the urinary pregnancy test? Qualitative/quantitative?
Qualitative (+/-)
What are the level of hCG detection ranges?
5-50 mIU/mL
What is a reliable way to diagnose an early pregnancy?
Serum pregnancy test
The serum pregnancy test can be ____ q/q?
How does the serum pregnancy test work?
hCG detected in maternal serum after implantation occurs
How early can the serum pregnancy test work?
8-11 days after conception.
When is serum pregnancy test used clinically?
Used in evaluation of threatened abortion, ectopic pregnancy, and other conditions
Average duration of a pregnancy? Weeks and days
40 weeks (280 days)
What is the clinically appropriate unit of measurement?
Weeks of gestation completed
What is Nagele’s Rule?
Subtract 3 months from LNMP, and add 7 days to the LNMP.
What is the estimated delivery day for a LNMP of August 3?
May 10 EDD
What is the embryo?
From fertilization though the 8th week (10 weeks gestation by LMP)
What is the fetus?
From 8th week to delivery
Cardiac activity via ultrasound is discernible at ___?
5-6 weeks
Limb buds seen via ultrasound are seen at?
7-8 weeks
Finger and limb movements are seen via ultrasound at?
9-10 weeks
What is the normal fetal heart rate?
120-160 bpm
Fetal heart tones can be detected by Doppler as early as?
10 weeks
Fetoscope can detect heart tones when?
By 18-20 weeks
Fetal movements may be palpated when?
After 18 weeks
Fetal outline can be palpated through mothers outline after?
22 weeks
When the mother feels the fetus move it is calle?
Multipara quickening can be felt when?
17 weeks
Primapara can be felt when?
18 weeks
Intermittent contractions of the uterus usually start around?
28 weeks
Intermittent contractions of the uterus are called?
Braxton Hicks
Fetus descends into the pelvis called?
Lightening usually occurs when?
39-40 weeks
What is the clinical term for “Pregnant”?
“Gravidity” is the ?
Total number of pregnancies (normal or abnormal)
What is the term for pregnant for the first time?
What is the term for has had 2 or more pregnancies?
The state of having given birth to a fetus >500g, alive or dead.
For parity, an estimate gestation of >___ weeks can be used.
If you give birth to twins (or more) is that multiparty?
No, considered a single parous experience.
Term for delivered 1 pregnancy.
Term for delivered >2 pregnancies.
Currently pregnant for the 1st time. Clinical naming?
Gravida 1, Para 0
Pregnant twice and both were “viable” deliveries. Clinical naming?
Gravida 2, Para 2
Delivered twins (or multiples) from 1st pregnancy. Clinical naming?
Gravida 1, Para 1
Was pregnant once and lost the pregnancy before 20 weeks (<500g) Clinical naming?
Gravida 1, Para 0
Pregnant for second time, first pregnancy was a “viable” delivery. Clinical naming?
Gravida 2, Para 1
Currently pregnant for the second time, lost the first pregnancy. Clinical naming?
Gravida 2, Para 0
Delivered fetus from first pregnancy. Clinical naming?
Gravida 1, Para 1
Pregnant twice and lost both. Clinical naming?
Gravida 2, Para 0