Terms (Meta Language) Flashcards
A sound in a word changes to become more like a nearby sound. This happens to make words easier to say.
E.g “Handbag” being pronounced as “Hambag”
Vowel Reduction
Vowels in unstressed syllables are pronounced more softly or become less clear. This often happens in casual speech to make words easier to say quickly.
E.g the “a” in “about” produced “uh” instead of the correct pronunciation of “a”
Sound is left out in speech to make words quicker or easier to say.
E.g “Friendship” pronounced “Frenship”
Extra sound is added to a word to make it easier to say.
E.g. “drawing” as “draw-ring,” adding an “r” sound.
The Internal Phonetic Alphabet
Set of symbols that show how words are pronounced. Each sound has its own symbol, no matter the language.
High or low a sound is in speech. It’s used to show emotion, meaning, or to change the focus of a sentence.
E.g difference in pitch
“You are coming.”
“You are coming?”
Word or sentence is said louder, longer, or with more emphasis than the rest.
How loud or soft a sound is when speaking.
Speed at which something is spoken.
Rise and fall of the pitch of your voice while speaking. It helps convey meaning, emotion, and emphasis in sentences.
Repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words
E.g the sentence “ The Rain in Spain is quite Plain”
The “a” in “Rain, Spain and Plain” exaggerated to flow better
Repetition of consonant sounds in nearby words
Pattern of sounds and silences in speech or writing.
Repetition of similar or identical sounds at the end of two or more words.
Basic part of a word that carries its main meaning.
Free- Words or parts of words that can stand alone and have meaning by themselves.
Bound- Cannot stand alone and must be attached to a free morpheme to have meaning.
Affix (Prefix, Suffix, Infix)
Prefix: An affix added to the beginning of a word.
For example:
“Un-“ in “undo” (means not or opposite).
Suffix: An affix added to the end of a word.
For example:
“-ness” in “happiness” (turns an adjective into a noun).
Infix: An affix inserted within a word, though this is less common in English.
For example:
In some informal speech, “un-freaking-believable” where “freaking” is inserted in the middle of the word.
Inflectional, derivational
Inflectional- used to modify a word’s form to express grammatical features like tense, number, gender, or case, but they do not change the word’s core meaning or part of speech.
Derivational- create a new word by changing its meaning or part of speech.
Process of adding an affix
Shortened form of a word or phrase
Reducing a word by cutting off part of it, often to make it quicker to say or write. It’s a form of abbreviation but typically involves dropping syllables or letters.
Combining parts of two or more words to create a new word
Process of creating a new word by removing a suffix
Conversion of word class
Process of changing a word from one part of speech to another without adding any affixes.
Initialism, Acronym
Initalism- type of abbreviation where each letter stands for a word, and each letter is pronounced individually.
Acronym- type of abbreviation where the initial letters of a phrase are combined into a single word, and the resulting word is pronounced as a whole.
Shortened form of a word or phrase, where one or more letters are omitted and replaced by an apostrophe.
E.g “Do not” -> “Don’t”
Newly created word, phrase, or expression that has recently entered a language.
E.g “Skibidi”
Words or phrases taken from one language and incorporated into another.
E.g Taco from Spanish
Process where a brand name or a specific term becomes used as a general word for any similar product or item, regardless of the brand.
E.g “Google” a brand
“Google” to search up on the web
Process of turning a word, typically a verb or adjective, into a noun.
The verb “decide” becomes the noun “decision.”