Terms/IDs Flashcards
French and Indian War
a war that took place from 1754 to 1763 that led to the end of French power in North America
Seven Years War
world war between France and England that French and Indian War was a part of
Indian tribe, allied with French
Indian tribe, allied with British
Albany Congress
delegates from 7 colonies that proposed unified government for 13 colonies
Albany Plan of Union
proposal by Benjamin Franklin to create one government for the 13 colonies
Benjamin Franklin
colonial delegate for Pennsylvania, proposed Albany Plan of Union
Fort Duquesne
- fort established by French
- first British attacked and lost
- 3 years later they won and renamed it Fort Pitt (Pittsburg)
Ohio River Valley
center of French and Indian War dispute
General Braddock
lead the fist attack on Duquesne in 1755
- lost & died
George Washington
a young man who was a leader of British troops (Fort Necessity)
- ended up loosing at Fort Necessity
- captured by French then released
Fort Necessity
a makeshift stockade made by Washington and his men in response to the French counterattack
- named it Fort Necessity
William Pitt
head of British government in 1757
- made it priority to win the war
Battle of Quebec
1759 last battle marking French defeat
General Montcalm
French general in Battle of Quebec
- lost and died
General Wolfe
British general at battle of Quebec
Plains of Abraham
a field near Quebec; site of major British victory over the French in the French and Indian War
Treaty of Paris
a 1763 agreement between Britain and France that ended the French Indian War
Pontiac’s War
a 1763 conflict between Native Americans and the British over settlement of Indian lands in the Great Lakes area
Proclamation of 1763
law forbidding English colonists to settle west of Appalachian Mountains
Sugar Act
1764, enforced tax on Molasses
Stamp Act
a 1765 law that placed new duties on legal documents, and taxed newspapers, almanacs, playing cards and dice
Stamp Act Congress
1765, nine colonies sent delegates to draw up a petition against Stamp Act
Townshend Acts
laws passed that taxed goods such as glass, paper, pain, lead, and tea
Charles Townshend
in charge of British treasury
- passed Townshend Acts
Boston Massacre
a 1770 conflict in which five colonists were killed by British troops
John Adams
lawyer that defended the British soldiers accused in Boston Massacre
Samuel Adams
Massachusetts leader
- good at organizing people
- formed Committee of Correspondence
Tea Act
a 1773 law that let the British India Company bypass tea merchants and sell directly to colonists
Boston Tea Party
a protest in which colonists dressed as Indians and dumped British tea into Boston harbor
Intolerable Acts
four series of laws passed to punish Boston for Tea Party
Quartering Act
colonists had to house and provide food for British soldiers in their homes when no other housing was available
1775 conflict between MA colonists and British soldiers that started Revolutionary War
Paul Revere
warned minutemen at Lexington and Concord “the redcoats are coming!”
- part of the Sons of Liberty
- Engraved “The Bloody Massacre Perpetrated in Kind-Street…” in Boston, MA 1770
Quebec Act
law that set up government for Canada and protected the rights of French Catholics
writs of assistance
legal document that allowed British customs officials to inspect a ship’s cargo without giving a reason
Sons/Daughters of Liberty
group of colonists organizing to be revolutionary
army of citizens who serve as soldiers during an emergency
colonial militia volunteer who was prepared to fight at a minute’s notice
to refuse to buy or use certain goods or services
theory that a nations economic strength came from keeping a strict control over it’s colonial trade
something that stands in place of the real thing