Terms for Final Exam Flashcards
Exploration and commercial expansion created the foundation for the global economy. Portugal settled in Brazil and Spain traveled to the Americas.
Globalization began when all heavily populated land masses began interacting – both directly with each other and indirectly via other land masses – in a sustained manner with deep consequences for all interacting regions; global interactions emerged during the 16th century when modern globalization was born.
The beginning of commercial capitalism. The system was based on private ownership of warehouses and ships and buying and selling goods worldwide. The merchants also lent out money at interest and established connections with production.
A group within the catholic church. Their job was to question others and find evidence of heresy. They would punish the suspected.The Inquisition questioned gallileo on his scientific ideas.
Commercial Agriculture
The shift from growing your own food or monarchical control of cropland to businesses starting to grow crops commercially and selling crops to feed the city.
Merchant Capitalism
The Dutch East India Company is a great example of Merchant Capitalism. They were trying to gain control of the world trade markets. The Dutch company developed a private stock company that helped the company gain its monopoly in trade.
It was widely believed that certain people mostly women had supernatural powers over nature and humans. The suspected sorcery led to many brutal executions. Thousands of people were questioned and tortured because forced confessions were acceptable.
Atlantic Slave Trade
The Atlantic Slave trade began when Portuguese merchants made deals with African tribes to provide them with slaves. They would take prisoners of war and sell them to the Portuguese to take to Brazil. The Altlantic trade continues for 300 years.
Monarchs would exercise constitutional power without constraints. The monarchs use divine right and claim to be appointed by God to justify not being questioned about anything.
The State
It was a state composed of territories standing in different relations to their rulers, a state where the rulers found themselves in different relations to different parts of their domains. It was a political, judicial, and administrative mosaic, rather than a modern unitary state.
Architecture of Power
King Louis XIV created the famous Palace of Versailles which demonstrated absolute power. He was the sun king..
The Glorious Revolution
During the efforts to eliminate a single religion in power, James II was set on trying to have catholicism remain a central part of being a monarch. His efforts proved to be an attempt to impose absolute monarchy on the English people. When he appointed many Catholics to high authority he created lots of enemies. He was so hated he fled and his daughter mary (a protestant) and her husband would replace him.
It was an alternative option to divine right. Because absolute power was so harmful Britain replaced it with a constitutional monarchy. At the beginning of constitutionalism in Britain, future monarchs William and Mary followed the English Declaration of rights that was written by english monarchs which was important for constitutionalism.
Galileo’s Letter
Galileo wrote a letter that was addressed to the Grand Dutchess Christina of Tuscany. In this letter, he talked about how passages from the Bible had no authority in the matters of science. He mentioned that God would want us to use the scenes to discover the world.
The Scientific Method
The scientific method was created during the scientific revolution. Because scientists started conducting more research. They wanted to create rules so that the experiment could be repeatable so that people could see for themselves that the findings were accurate. It involves the empirical (inductive) and the rational (deductive).