Terms & Definitions Flashcards
A set of concepts, beliefs, values and ways of thinking and feeling, through which humans perceive, and by which they explain, what they perceive to be reality.
The privileging in Colonial societies of European cultures, values, and ways of life over and above local culture, values, and ways of life.
A society that privileges males above others.
Privileges the written word over the spoken word.
Privileges the spoken word over the written word.
“grand” or “master” narrative
A large cultural story that seeks to explain within its borders all the little, local narratives. Claims to be a big truth concerning the world and the way it works. Some charge that all metarratives are inherently oppressive because they decide whether other narratives are allowed or not.
The means by which colonized people adapt to culture (language, education, clothing, etc.) of the colonizer but always in the process changing it in important ways. Such an approach always contains in it the ambivalence of hybridity (i.e.: some forms of mimicry implicitly support colonialism while others function to subvert it)
Subversive Mimicry
- A form of counter-discourse whereby colonized people mimic the colonizer in order to challenge colonial ideology and practice.
- Adopting the ways of the colonizer and using it against the colonizer in order to bring about justice; i.e.: using bible quotes to unveil hypocrisy)
Cultural Hybridity
Homi K. Bhabha
The “fusion” of cultural forms that takes place even in contexts characterized by social, political, and economic inequality. Hybridity acknowledges that there are no “pure” and “authentic” forms of identity in a globalizing world.
Truth and Reconciliation Mandate
To inform all Canadians about what happened in Indian Residential Schools and document the accounts of survivors, families, communities,band anyone else affected by the Indian Residential Schools experience.
Cultural Genocide
Destruction of those structures and practices that allow a group of people to continue as a group; destroying political and social institutions of a targeted group.
Biological Genocide
Destruction of a targeted group’s reproductive capacity.
Physical Genocide
Mass killing of the members of a targeted group.
Manichaeism Delirium
Abdul R. Jan Mohamed
A psychological condition common to colonized people which is brought about by the internalization of Eurocentric/racist ideology; a harmful mode of colonial mimicry in which colonized people buy into dichotomous value systems privileging colonized culture: white/black, civilized/savage, rational/emotional, etc.
Self-determination; the ability to pursue one’s goals and desires freely.
The policy of acquiring and maintaining an empire.
The use by colonized or marginalized people of hegemonic discourses to challenge and oppose hegemonic practices.
The social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group, giving that group a degree of control or authority over others.
Linguistic Post-Colonial Dialectic
2 Parts
1) Linguistic Colonialism
2) Linguistic Pragmatism
Linguistic Colonialism
The idea that you use language to colonize people (i.e.: children of residential schools stripped of their language)
Linguistic Pragmatism
The power of unionizing people under a language; using the English language as a practical advantage.
To consider and treat the “other” as a child.
A circular and therefore illogical argument.
Colonial pedagogy
European, often Eurocentric, method or practice of teaching
Colonial mimicry
Where colonial people adopt the customs (language, dress) of the colonizer.