Terms + definition -Final Exam Flashcards
Pathetic fallacy
Attribution of human emotion to things/objects that are not human
Give 2 examples of pathetic fallacy in two of the stories we saw in class (after midterm)
Answers vary
Ex: In the Painted Door: “Angry little snakes”
Messages in Bottles: Sea creature tries to seduce the little girl.
Georgic in literature
rural life/farm/labor topics
Ex:The Painted Door
Ann says that there will be chores for her to do
Depiction of an idealized form of the Shepherd’s lifestyle - herding livestock around open areas of land
Demon lover archetype
Figure in gothic literature who comes back to take away his unfaithful lover who has broken her promise to wait for him.
A story that has a hidden meaning.
Ex: The Demon lover: allegory of WWII trauma
Simple Recipes: allegory of immigration
-No plot
-shift of POVs
-Open endings
-Characters are unstable
-interior monologue (stream of consciousness)
Ex: The Painted Door: open ending, interior monologue, reject morality (adultery), loneliness+desperation are modernist themes
Ghost story genre
-Presence of a ghost
-Setting is more modern (contemporary)
-A back story + reason why the ghost is present
-blurring between reality and madness or projection
Ex: The Demon Lover
Who wrote the Painted Door?
Sinclair Ross
Who wrote the Demon Lover
Elizabeth Bowen
Types of imagery
Auditory (hearing)
Olfactory (smell)
Tactile (touch)
Gustatory (taste)
Abstract or conceptual (appeals to the intellect)
Kinetic (of or related to the motion of bodies)
Kinaesthetic (pertaining to feeling or imagining the sense of movement/or the making of motion)
Blending of different sense impressions
Ex: The Demon Lover
Studies in the Park: «White shirt sparkling» « leather pumps glitering»
Comparison between two things with the words Like, as, such as
Comparison between two things without the words
Post-colonial literature
The term is applied most often to writings from Africa, the Indian sub-continent, the Caribbean, and other regions whose histories were marked by colonialism, anti-colonial movements, and subsequent transitions to a post-Independence modern society.
Post-colonial theory
-theory is a lens in which we read a text
-looks at problematic cultural-political questions of national and ethnic identity, ‘otherness’, race, imperialism, and language, during and after the colonial periods.
-concepts of the center and the periphery (or margin) and the complex relationship between the two.
Stories: Vengeful Creditor + Studies in the Park
Who wrote the short story Vengeful creditor
Chinua Achebe
Who wrote the short story Studies in the Park?
Anita Desai
Give Examples of imagery use in different short stories
The demon Lover: The depiction of the house
Studies in the Park: Depiction of Suno’s house + depiction of the Park
Symbol/character/setting/theme that is recurring in different times and places
Trickster character
Complex character type known for trickery, bufoonery, crude behavior, but also a creator, culture hero
Ex: The one about coyote going west going: Coyote is a trickster character
The mother in borders: trickster character, she wants to change, make
-Mix of genres
- time distortion
-Allusions to art, tv shows
-refusal of grand narrative
Fiction that comments on its own fictional status
Liminal space
little space in between, threshold
Ex: Borders
Paintings in old lady’s hand= portal to the past
Cultural hegemony
dominance of a culturally diverse society by the ruling class who shape the culture of that society
has a literal meaning + abstract meaning )open to interpretation) (can occur once to have impact)
Situation/idea/image/incident found in many different literary works –> elaborated into general theme (can occur many times)
Coexistence of two dominant cultures in a society/country/region
the presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
the process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas.
the act of treating someone or something as if they are not important
Who wrote Borders
Thomas King
Who wrote The one about Coyote going west
Thomas King
What does Thomas King reject?
He doesn’t accept the terms pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial because it places everything in relation to colonialism.
reference to a work, art, person from another work
Ex: Death by Landscape: the paintings of Tom Thomson, A. Y . ., Harris
Messages in Bottles: snow white, coca-cola, moby dick, etc.
Magic realism
modern fiction in which fabulous+ fantastical events are included in a narrative that maintains the tone of some realism
(real encompass magic)
Ex: Messages in Bottles: The phone, the bed, turtle giving philosophy class, 89 puppies