terms and shit Flashcards
not fuck up this midterm and the final
Art. 101 TFEU
collusive behavior is contrary to consumer interests illegal to “hinder, distort, or prevent competition inside EU” collusion requires 2 or more companies in agreement or concerted practice “any form of coordination between 2 or more companies that limits the risks of competition by changing the normal market conditions”
Art. 226 EC
Commission v. Member State
Art. 221 EC
one judge/member state 6 year term can be reappointed
minimum level of sovereignty for states, majority can overrule, Euro law > national law
ex: continental Europe after ratification of international treaties, they automatically become national law
ex: common law countries after ratification of international treaties, require further approval before becoming national law
Principle of subsidiarity
Decisions affecting citizens should be taken at lowest level of govt
European Council
- consists of PMs, ministers of foreign affairs, prez EC -meets twice a year
- deals with politically sensitive issue and med-long term (ex: SEA, Treaty of Maastricht)
Double taxation
It is
Austerity measures and Eurocrisis
Ease of acquiring credit Global recession Financial responsibility (esp. Greece, Portugal, Ireland also Spain, Italy), lower govt spending
European Monetary System
System created in 1979 used to keep European currencies at relatively stable exchange rates and to reduce inflation Replaced by Eurozone in 1999 Stronger economies pulled up weaker economies
Dublin regulation
Responsibility for examining a claim lies primarily with the country which played the greatest part in the applicant’s entry or residence in the EU Enhances protections for asylum seekers while applications being processed hierarchy: family visa/res permit how they got into EU
Qualification directive
Specifies the grounds for granting international protection & gives certain rights Encourages uniformity and specificity and fairness
Asylum procedures directive
To have fairer, quicker, better quality asylum decisions
Reception conditions directive
Assured humane reception conditions such as housing Assured that detention is measure of last resort
Art. 222 EC
assisted by 8 advocates-general
Art. 230 EC
action for annulment of EU law
Art. 234 EC
preliminary rulings
Art. 225 EC
most direct actions
Regulation that allows police to access fingerprints of asylum seekers Operating since 2003