Terms And Abbreviations Flashcards
Cur adv vult: Curia Adversari vult
The court wants to weigh its decision
a quo
From which
Absolution from the instance
Order given when the plaintiff has not discharged the onus of proof. Claim is not denied completely, but he or she can later institute another claim and the defendant cannot set up the defense of res iudicata
Ad litem
E.g curator ad litem: curator for the court case
Cadit quaestio
The problem (question) falls away
De facto
Based on the factual situation
De iure
Based on the law
De lege ferenda
As the law should be
De novo
Ex abundanti cautela
For the sake of caution
Mero motu
Of your own motion
Ex parte
If only one party is an interested party
Ex post facto
As seen after the fact
Facta probanda
Facts that have to be proved to establish the cause of action - these are the facts in contention