Terms Flashcards
Area outside a page where you can store objects that aren’t yet positioned on a page
The toolbox has tools for selecting, editing, creating page elements, tools for choosing type, shapes, lines, and gradients
Screen Modes
Normal, preview, bleed, slug and presentation
Panels are used to organize commands and are docked on the right side of the workspace
Dock is a collection of panels or panel groups displayed together
Control Panel
Gives you ways to control selected items or objects and docked above the title bar
Selection Tool
Allows you to select text and graphics frames, and work with an object using its bounding box
Direct selection tool
Used to select the contents of a container of individual points on a path
Bounding box
A bounding box is a rectangle with eight section handles that represents an object’s vertical and horizontal dimensions
Selection handles
The eight small boxes at the corners and sides of the bounding box
A frame or path is a shape you draw or a container for Text or graphics
Any arrangement of panels, bars, and windows that can be saved
Context menu
Context-sensitive menus, display commands related to the active tool or selection
Grabber hand
Allows you to scroll through your document
Rough layout
The first basic layout used to make general choices about the structure of the layout
In port/out port
Indicates where text flows when text boxes are threaded
Text threading
When text flows between connected frames
Character formatting mode
Sets the options for formatting paragraphs in the control panel
A set of associated characters in a single size: ex: times new Roman 12 point italic
Typeface/type family
A group of related fonts that’s include every variation ex: italic, bold, condensed…
Type style
Variations in the thickness and stroke, such as light, bold, italic, that lend flexibility and emphasis in the appearance of characters constituting a typeface.
The distance between baselines of lines of text in a paragraph
The space adjustment between two type characters
Adjusting the spacing across a word, line, or column of text
The baseline is the imaginary line upon which a line of text rests
Auto leading
Sets the leading at 120% and will change as the font sizes go up or down
Point size
The unit in which a type face is measured
Directions for setting type
The unit of measurement for lines of type
Overset text
Indicated when the text frame is too small to display all of text
Inset spacing
The amount of spacing between the text and the text frame
Glyphs panel
Shows all of the variations and sunsets of a selected typeface
Cap height
The space from the baseline to the top of the capital letter
Parts of the letter that extend above the mean line
Parts of the letter that extend below the baseline
Hidden characters
No printing characters such as those for spaces, tabs, ends of paragraphs
Soft return
A way to break a line of text without creating a new paragraph
Hard return
When you press enter key to create a new paragraph
Space after
Creates space at the end of a paragraph. Hard returns should not be used to create space.
Raised cap
When the first letter of a paragraph is enlarged and sits on the same baseline
Master page
A page layout that is created on one spread or page and then applied to a single or a range of document pages
Eyedropper tool
Allows you to transfer type attributes from one paragraph to another
Placeholder text
Used for deciding layout and formatting options before any real text content is used
A formatting frame made up of rows, columns, and cells. Tables are edited using the type tool
Text wrap
Is the process of flowing text around a graphic or shape
When printed images goes right to the edge of the paper