Terms Flashcards
4 Functions of Behavior
1) attention
2) sensory/automatic
3) to access a tangible/edible item
4) to escape a particular person, place or activity.
Accepting Accountability
One of the core principles of ABA stating:
We have an awesome responsibility in designing behavior change programs. We have to be accountable when treatments do not work
According Dignity
One of the core principles of ABA stating:
Clients must be treated with respect and respect their wishes
demonstrates experimental control over the occurrence and nonoccurrence of the behavior (that is, if a functional relation is demonstrated)
Environmental events that occur before a behavior
Investigates socially significant behaviors with immediate importance to the subject(s)
Applied Behavior Analysis
The science in which tactics derived from the principles of behavior are applied systematically to improve socially significant behavior and experimentation is used to identify the variables responsible for behavior change
Aversive Procedure
An unpleasant or noxious stimulus.
More technically, a stimulus change or condition that functions to evoke a behavior that has terminated it in the past, as a punisher when presented following behavior, and/or as a reinforce when withdrawn following behavior
BCBA Task List
Task list for skills that are common behavior analytic tasks that will be tested on the BACB exam
conducts assessments and can interpret results and design ethical treatment for situations and scenarios that are similar to what they encountered in supervised field work. All BCaBA’s must receive supervision at least 1 hour per month by a BCBA in order to maintain their credential (as of August 2010).
Behavior Analysis Certification Board (BACB)
Certification Board for behavior analysts, The BACB certification procedures and content undergo regular psychometric review and validation, pursuant to a job analysis survey of the profession and standards established by content experts in the field.
Behavior Analyst
Title refering to individual who holds the BCBA or BCaBA credential, an individual authorized by the BACB to provide supervision, or a coordinator of a BACB Approved Course Sequences.
Where Code elements are deemed relevant to the practice of an RBT, the term “behavior analyst” includes the behavior technician.
Behavior Change Program
The behavior-change program is a formal, written document that describes in technological detail every assessment and treatment task necessary to achieve stated goals
Behavior Analytic Services
Services that are explicitly based on principles and procedures of behavior analysis (i.e., the science of behavior) and are designed to change behavior in socially important ways.
These services include, but are not limited to, treatment, assessment, training, consultation, managing and supervising others, teaching, and delivering continuing education.
Entails precise measurement of the actual behavior in need of improvement and documents that it was the subject’s behavior that changed
Behavioral Treatment (6)
1) An individual has a right to a therapeutic environment
2) An individual has a right to services whose overriding goal is personal welfare
3) An individual has a right to treatment by a competent behavior analyst
4) An individual has a right to programs that teach functional skills
5) An individual has a right to behavioral assessment and ongoing evaluation and
6) An individual has the right to the most effective treatment procedures available.
Being Just
One of the core principles of ABA, stating: treat others as you would like to be treated
Being Faithful
One of the core principles of ABA, stating: we should be dependable and reliable sources of wise counsel and effective, ethical treatment
Benefiting Others
One of the core principles of ABA, stating: primary role of behavior analysts is to benefit others in whatever setting or situation they are in, can put behavior analysts at odds with other professionals
Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA)
Board Certified Behavior Analyst.
Indpendent practitioner that may work independently or through an agency.
The BCBA conducts descriptive assessment, functional analysis and provides behavior analytic servces.
Often serve as consultants.
BCBA’s the only individuals’ qualified to oversee BCaBA staff according to the Behavior
Refers any recipient or beneficiary of the professional The term includes, but not limited to (a) The direct recipient of services;
b) The parent, as well as others (stakeholders)
Conceptually Systematic
Behavior change interventions are derived from basic principles of behavior
Describes a situation of trust insofar as any
information regarding a person receiving or having received services may not be discussed with or otherwise made available to another person or group, unless that person has provided explicit authorization for release of such information
Conflict of Interest
A situation in which a person in a position of responsibility or trust has competing professional or personal interests that make it difficult to fulfill his or her duties impartially