Terms Flashcards
Being required to answer for one’s actions
a form of law made by administrative agencies appointed by the president or governor
administrative law
A threat to inflict physical injury on another person through force or violence. Included is the touching of another person w/o that person’s consent, w/ intent to harm.
The right to make our own decisions; to be independent & self governing
An assault in which any force, however slight, is applied to another (the assailant makes physical contact).
The breaking of a promise or a pledge to perform an obligation under a precedent, either by commission or omission.
Requires that the defendant’s failure to meet the standard of care was the actual cause of the plaintiff’s injury.
All laws that affect the individual rather than the whole of society.
civil law
Law based on custom, usage, & the decisions of the court.
common law
right to privacy, w/respect to one’s personal life, are basic concerns (All info. regarding a patient belongs to the patient) The right of the patient that a professional involved w/patient’s care & w/ a need to know about the patient can be allowed access to the patient’s records
The study of duty, moral obligation, & right action. Deontologists believe that one’s duty is more important than bringing about good consequences; it is the motive or principle that determines right or wrong. One should do one’s duty regardless of the consequences.
A written or oral report in the form of a sonographer impression or to enter comments in a patient’s chart
standard of care that the medical professional (defendant) is required to follow
the process of arriving at concrete judgments in situations in which action must be taken despite uncertainty
ethical decision making
systems of valued behaviors & beliefs that govern proper conduct to ensure protection of an individual’s rights
Injury suffered by the plaintiff
A form used in hospitals to document the possible injury of a patient or an employee or a visitor.
incident report
Permission obtained from a patient to have a test or procedure performed after the patient has been fully informed about the test or procedure. The consent may or may not be in writing, but a written consent provides better legal protection for the health care professional.
informed consent
wrongful intrusion into a person’s private life, including publication of private facts
invasion of privacy
Rules of conduct enforced by a controlling authority
legal responsibility for the consequences of one’s actions
a derelection from one’s medical professional duty that results in injury, loss, or damage. A failure to exercise an accepted degree of medical professional skill/learning when rendering medical services
medical malpractice
The omission or commission of an act or actions that a reasonably prudent sonographer would not have omitted or committed.
a manual that provides specific guidelines about what can be revealed w/o violating confidentiality. A booklet of policies and procedures related to patient info.
policy & procedure manual
entitlements that one deserves according to just claims, legal guarantees, or moral principles. The categories of rights are freedom of choice, legal rights, & moral rights.
universally accepted standards of what a prudent & reasonable sonographer w/similar education & training would do in a similar situation
standard of care
laws enacted & enforced by federal or state legislators to help maintain the governmental right to uphold social order & to protect the rights of individuals
statutory law
a court document that requires a witness to appear & testify or produce papers or documents pertaining to a pending controversy under penalty
the study of evidence of the design & purpose of nature. or the belief that an act is right if it is useful in bringing about a good outcome w/the least number of bad consequences.
a wrongful act, other than a breach of contract, for which the law provides a remedy. 2 categories intentional and unintentional
concepts, goals, ideals & behavior formed by family, friends, culture, environment, education, & one’s own life experiences