Terms Flashcards
Risk Management
What is Risk Management?
A practice of identifying, monitoring, and limiting risks to a manageable level.
What are the 3 Risk Control Types?
What is Risk Assessment?
Used to understand the current risks, probability, impact, and the solution to prevent them.
What are the 4 Risk Management Options?
Is a living document used to track different types of data elements associated to risk factors and scenarios.
Risk Register
Continuity of operations plan (COOP)
Provides an alternate location for operations after a critical outage.
Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
Ensures that critical business operations continue and the organization can survive the outage. Identify key items.
What is DRP?
Disaster Recovery Plan: Provides a step-by-step procedure that personnel will follow to save human life and recover/restore your business .
What is BIA?
Business Impact Analysis: Identifies systems and components that are essential to the organization’s success and potential for financial loss.
What is ALE?
Annual Loss Expectancy: The possible yearly cost of all instances of a specific realized threat against a specific asset. Allows for proper budgeting of the security measures if risk happens
What is ARO?
Annual Rate of Occurrence: The frequency with which a specific threat or risk will occur within a single year.
what is SLE?
Single Loss Expectancy: The cost associated with a single realized risk against a specific asset
How do you calculate the ALE?
What is SLA?
Service Level Agreement
What is BPA?
Business Partnership Agreement
What is MOA/MOU ?
Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding
What is ISA?
Interconnection Security Agreement
What is AUP?
Acceptable Use Policy
What is BYOD?
Bring Your Own Device
What is CYOD?
Choose Your Own Device
What isCOPE?
Company Owned, Personally Enabled
What is VDI?
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
What is AV?
Asset Value - Monetary value of the information asset
What is EF?
Exposure Factor: Percentage of loss that an organization would experience if a specific asset were violated by a realized risk.
How is the SLE calculated?
What are the 4 pillars of Sec+
What are the 6 Access Control Types?
Preventative Detective Corrective Deterrent Recovery Compensation
What is PAP?
Password Authentication Protocol: passwords are sent over the wire in cleartext.
What is CHAP?
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol: passwords are sent over the network encrypted.
What is PPP?
Point-to-Point Protocol
What is FFR?
False Reject Rate OR Type 1
What is FAR?
False Acceptance Rate OR Type 2
What are the 5 Authentication Factors?
Something You Know (Password) - [Weakest]
Something You Have (Multi-Factor)
Something You Are (Biometric) - [Strongest]
Somewhere You Are (Geolocation)
Something You Do (Gestures)
What is Single Factor Authentication?
Authentication that requires a single authentication factor type.
What is Multi-Factor Authentication?
Authentication that requires more then one authentication factor type.
What is Mutual Authentication?
Two-way Authentication: client to server, & server to client.
What is SSO?
Single Sign On: authentication that allows for access of multiple applications without requiring additional authentication.
What are 2 services that use SSO Secure Token?
Kerberos (Domain)
LDAP (Active Directory)
What are 4 Federated Identity Management services?
SAML (Domain to Domain)
What are the 2 Categories of Identify Management
Centralized Access Control: authorization verification performed by a single entity.
Decentralized Access Control (Distributed Access Control): various entities located throughout a system perform authorization verification.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (Secured)
TCP 389
SSL/TLS TCP 636/3269
uses x.500 Standard
What is PKI?
Public Key Infrastructure
What is ADDS?
Active Domain Services OR Domain Controller
What are the 2 types of Domain Administrators?
Root Domain
Enterprise Domain
What is AES?
Advanced Encryption Standard: symmetric encryption to protect the users logon credentials.
Whats is KDC?
Key Distribution Center OR Kerberos
What are the 4 parts of KDC?
Authentication Server (AS)
Ticket Granting Service (TGS)
Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT)
Domain Controller
What is IDaaS
Identity as a Service:
What is Federated Identify Management?
is when organizations join a group of organizations, to share authentication.
Cloud identify authentication
What 2 protocols used for Personal Federations?
Google, Facebook, LinkedIN, Microsoft, & Twitter
What 2 protocols are used for Business Federation?
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) [Cloud]
What is SOAP?
Simple Object Access Protocol
What is CRM?
Customer Relation Managment
What is SAML?
Security Assertion Markup Language (business to business)