Terms Flashcards
One of the twelve sons of Jacob (A.K.A. Israel) from the tribe of Judah
The name given to Jacob after he wrestled with God the name means “wrestle” and “God”. ALSO, the name of the northern kingdom of Israelites.
Divided Kingdom
The nation of Israel divided up into two kingdoms. Israel and Judah. Israel got 10 tribes and Judah got two tribes. Judah got Jerusalem.
The capital of the ancient nation of Judah. This was the mount where the fortress of the city was built.
The hill of Jerusalem on which the city of David was built. Refers to the power of God.
The promised deliverer for the Jewish nation prophesied in the Hebrew Bible
A promise made by God to his people
A form of the name of God used in the Bible
Referring to God being above his people and all things
Referring to God being among his people and all things
Deuteronomy 6:4, the main message of the Jewish beliefs
The Jewish term meaning disobedience to others and the law
The belief that there is only one God
Tent of Meeting
The sacred tent where God went and talked to his people (Moses)
The less permanent place where God dwelt
A building Jews and the Israelites went to worship God
Court of the Gentiles
The place where Gentiles (non-Jews) could go to worship
Most Holy Place
The place in the temple where God dwelt
Holy Place
It was the outer chamber of the temple. The priests could enter once a year
Ark of the Covenant
The chest contained the Ten Commandments on stone tablets, Aaron’s staff, and a pot of manna. You were only allowed to carry it on posts so you would never touch it
The Second Temple
An important Jewish temple, that stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
Herod’s Temple
The place where Gentiles could go to worship, built by Herod
Ark of Holiness
The place where the scrolls are kept in Jewish synagogues
The action of setting certain people apart from others (Gods chosen people)
A fortified city outside of Jerusalem that was the last to fall
Western/Wailing Wall
The last standing wall of the temple in Jerusalem where Jews went to assemble for prayer or wail about the destruction
They were the strict keepers of the law. They followed the laws of the Old Testament
They were the more conservative group, that hates the Pharisees, and ditch believe in the spiritual realm
They considered themselves to be a separate people. They didn’t follow a specific religion, but many different ones
They were a group that was determined to protect their religion from the Romans.
Oral Traditions
The act of passing along history through story telling
Orthodox Jews (including Hasidism)
They are very traditional with the codes of the Jewish law
Conservative Jews
Jews that hold tradition in manner and style very important
Reformed Jews
They believe that an individual’s personal autonomy (personal control) overrides traditional Jewish law and custom
They hold their heritage and their traditions firm, they are also looking ahead and finding contemporary ways to evolve civilization
Founding fathers of the Israelite nation
Founding mothers of the Israelite nation
The founding father of the Israelite nation. He was given the covenant to be a father of a great nation
The wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac. She was the mother of a great nation
The promised land
Son of Abraham
The wife of Isaac, mother of Jacob and Esau
The deceiver, second born son of Isaac. He stole the birthright from hits brother Esau