TERMS Flashcards
Human Development
Measure of health, education, and income
Salmon Bias Hypothesis
selective return of less healthy immigrant to country of origin
the process by which an individual raised in one culture renters the social structure and institutions of another and internalizes the prevailing attitudes and beliefs of the new culture
individual values culture and rejects their own
individual rejects other culture and values own
individual values both own and other culture
1831: US Supreme Court ruling in Cherokee nation v. Georgia
define the relationship among indian nations and the federal government and state governments
recognize indian land as sovereign nations
1921 Snyder Acts
granted full U.S. citizenship to American Natives
1954: Indian Health Services (IHS)
Indian health services established as part of US Public Health Service
1975 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance act
propose tribal government take over management of federal programs provided to American Natives
1978: Indian Child Welfare Act
Propose tribal gouvernement take over management of federal programs provided to them
1978: Indian Child Welfare Act
Federal law that seeks to keep American Indian children
Food Commodity program
Federal government food program for AN’s
refined sugars, bleached flour, white bread, lard for shortening
Carlisle Indian Bording Schools
Assimilate American Indians through education; strip American Indians of their culture
Model Minority Myth
Popular conception of AAPI’s as being more successfully- academically, economically, socially- than any other ethnic minority