Terms Flashcards
organism infecting the host
the animal infected with a parasite
Definitive host
a host in which the sexual reproduction of the parasite occurs
Intermediate host
a host in which development, but not sex repro, of the parasite occurs
Paratenic host
host in which parasite doesn’t undergo further development, usually remains in cyst until DH eats it
Prepatent period
time from infection to when diagnostic stages can be recovered from a DH
Patent period
time period in which the parasite can be detected
lives within the host body
parasitism by an endoparasite
lives on the outside of the host
parasitism by an ectoparasite
Obligate parasite
must live as a parasite
Facultative parasite
can become parasitic if need exists
Continuous parasite
always on host
Intermittent parasite
come and go