Terms Flashcards
large network of nerves in the peripheral nervous system
• lymphatic plexus = interconnecting network of lymph vessels
• rectal plexus = plexus of veins in rectal region
• vertebral plexus = plexus of veins related to the backbone
page 344
acute viral infection of infants and children with obstruction of the larynx, accompanied by barking cough and stridor. commonly caused by flu viruses or RSV (respiratory syncytial virus)
page 470
syncop/o = to cut off; cut short
page 362
essential and distinctive tissue of an organ
page 230
renal parenchyma = nephrons
of the testis = seminiferous tubules
nervous system = neurons (nerve cells)
a slight increase in normal white blood cells; occurs a white blood cells multiply to fight an infection. NOT leukemia.
page 14
spina bifida
congenital defects in the lumbar spinal column caused by imperfect union of vertebral parts (neural tube defect) page 363 1. spinal bifida occulta 2. spinal bifida cystica 3. meningocele and myelomeningocele
prenatal diagnosis with imaging and testing maternal blood for alphafetoprotein
collapsed lung; incomplete expansion of alveoli
1. obstruction of bronchi by secretions or tumour
2. fluid or air accumulation in pleural cavity (wound, e.g. MVA)
3. complications from surgery cause poor breathing
a = no
tel/o = complete
ectasis = dilation, widening, expansion
page 467 image
page 471
tetralogy of Fallot (fah-LOW)
congenital malformation involving 4 distinct heart defects: (page 416) 1. pulmonary artery stenosis 2. ventricular septal defect 3. shift of the aorta to the right 4. hypertrophy of the right ventricle page 416
angina (pectoris)
chest pain resulting from myocardial ischemia
stable = occurs predictable with exertion
unstable angina = chest pain at rest or chest pain of increasing frequency
page 418, 419f, 424
small pinpoint hemorrhages
tiny purple or red flat spots appearing on the skin as a result of hemorrhages
page 420,424
STD caused by spirochete bacteria, can be treated with antibiotics if caught early; can be congenital - transmitted to the fetus by the mother during pregnancy
page 277, 324
560-2 hypersensitivity or allergic state related to inherited pre-disposition
469-470 chronic bronchial inflammatory disorder with airway obstruction due to bronchial edema and constriction and increased mucus production