Terms Flashcards
victory bonds
a government bond during the war, people gave money to the government for the war effort then after the war was done they would get their money back with interest
a wearing down or weakness of resistance, decrease in numbers, size or strength
Ex. The enemy surrounded the town and conducted a war of attrition
compensations in money, labour, material etc, payable from the defeated country to another country for the losses suffered during the war
gathering info in enemy territory
trench warfare
a type of warfare where soldiers fight in the trenches
rolling barrage
battlefield tactic where the artillery kept firing as the soldiers advanced
state of being impartial, not siding with either group
flying coffins
another name for an airplane because it had an extremely high mortality rate
Canadian Military Training Base WW1 in Quebec
a formal agreement of parties to stop fighting
naval blockade
an effort to cut off food, supplies, or war material coming by ships
shell shock
a psychological condition of some soldiers. a reaction the trauma of the battles
the submarines operated by Germany in WW1
chlorine gas
a poisonous gas used by the Germans in WW1
a situation in which no progress can be made
unrestricted submarine warfare
a type of warfare where submarines can sink any boat they see
internment camps
where people were imprisoned without a trial. Commonly enemy aliens or prisoners of war
War Guilt Clause
Act of the Treaty of Versailles where Germany had to accept full responsibility for starting the war.
No Man’s Land
an unoccupied area between the front line of opposing armies
trench foot
a medical condition caused by long exposure of the feet to damp unsanitary conditions
creeping barrage
same as rolling barrage
Paris Peace Conference
the meeting of the allied victors after WW1 to set the terms of peace for the Central Powers (losers)
fight between planes in WW1 where the planes would try to get behind the other to shoot them down.