Terms Flashcards
What is Acid Rain?
rain that is especially acidic as the result of water vapor condensing onto particles of sulfate or nitrogen oxide.
What is Adiabatic?
changes in temperature caused by the expansion (cooling) or compression (warming) of a body of air as it rises or descends in the atmosphere.
What is Advection?
the horizontal transport of air, moisture, vorticity or other atmospheric properties; commonly used in describing the transport of moisture and temperature.
What is Advection Fog?
a type of fog that results from the advection of moist air over a cold surface and the cooling of the air to its dew point that follows; this type of fog is most common in coastal regions.
What is AFOS?
the Automation of Field Operations and Services; AFOS is the computer system that links National Weather Service offices and other computer networks, such as the NOAA weather wire, to transmit weather information.
What is AGL?
above ground level.
What is Air?
the mixture of gases that make-up the earth’s atmosphere.
What is Air Mass?
a large body of air that has similar temperature and moisture characteristics.
What is Air Mass?
a large body of air that has similar temperature and moisture characteristics.
What is Albedo?
the reflectiveness of a surface given as either a percentage or a decimal.
What is Albedo?
the reflectiveness of a surface given as either a percentage or a decimal.
What is Anabatic?
wind flowing up an incline, such as up a hillside; upslope wind.
What is Anabatic?
wind flowing up an incline, such as up a hillside; upslope wind.
What is Anemometer?
an instrument used to measure wind speed.
What is Anemometer?
an instrument used to measure wind speed.
What isAngular Momentum?
the energy of motion of a spinning body or mass of air or water.
What isAngular Momentum?
the energy of motion of a spinning body or mass of air or water.
What is Angular Velocity?
the rate at which a spinning body rotates.
What is Angular Velocity?
the rate at which a spinning body rotates.
What is Anticyclone?
a body of air in which the atmospheric pressure is higher than the pressure in the surrounding air; a high or high pressure area.
What is Anticyclone?
a body of air in which the atmospheric pressure is higher than the pressure in the surrounding air; a high or high pressure area.
What is Anticyclonic?
describes the movement of air around a high pressure; and rotation about the local vertical oppostie the earth’s rotation.
What is Anticyclonic?
describes the movement of air around a high pressure; and rotation about the local vertical oppostie the earth’s rotation.
What is Arctic Air?
a mass of very cold, dry air that usually originates over the Arctic Ocean north of Canada and Alaska.
What is Arctic Air?
a mass of very cold, dry air that usually originates over the Arctic Ocean north of Canada and Alaska.
What is Arctic High?
a very cold high pressure that originates over the Arctic Ocean.
What is Arctic High?
a very cold high pressure that originates over the Arctic Ocean.
What is ASOS?
the Automated Surface Observation System; this system observes sky condition, weather, temperature, dew point, wind direction and speed, pressure and precipitation.
What is ASOS?
the Automated Surface Observation System; this system observes sky condition, weather, temperature, dew point, wind direction and speed, pressure and precipitation.
What is Atmosphere?
the mass of air surrounding the earth and bound to it more or less permanently by the earth’s gravitational attraction.
What is Atmosphere?
the mass of air surrounding the earth and bound to it more or less permanently by the earth’s gravitational attraction.
What is Avalanche?
a large mass of rapidly moving snow down a steep mountain slope.
What is Avalanche?
a large mass of rapidly moving snow down a steep mountain slope.
What is AWIPS?
the Advanced Weather Information Processing System; this new computer system integrates computer graphics, satellite and radar imagery. (This system is scheduled to be put in all National Weather Service offices by the end of the 1990s).
What is AWIPS?
the Advanced Weather Information Processing System; this new computer system integrates computer graphics, satellite and radar imagery. (This system is scheduled to be put in all National Weather Service offices by the end of the 1990s).
What is Backing?
relates to time trend and wind direction; backing winds trend counter-clockwise and are indicative of cold air advection.
What is Backing?
relates to time trend and wind direction; backing winds trend counter-clockwise and are indicative of cold air advection.
What is a Bar?
an obstacle formed at the shallow entrance at the mouth of a river or bay that empties into the ocean; when a swift ebb current and heavy seas rolling in from the Pacific meet, large breakers develop over the bar.
What is a Bar?
an obstacle formed at the shallow entrance at the mouth of a river or bay that empties into the ocean; when a swift ebb current and heavy seas rolling in from the Pacific meet, large breakers develop over the bar.
What is a Barometer?
an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.
What is a Barometer?
an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.
What is Beaufort Scale?
a scale that indicates the wind speed using the effect wind has on certain familiar objects.
What is Beaufort Scale?
a scale that indicates the wind speed using the effect wind has on certain familiar objects.
What is Black Ice?
thin, new ice that forms on fresh water or dew covered surfaces; it is common on roadways during the fall and early winter and appears “black” because of its transparency.
What is Black Ice?
thin, new ice that forms on fresh water or dew covered surfaces; it is common on roadways during the fall and early winter and appears “black” because of its transparency.
What is a Blizzard?
includes winter storm conditions of sustained winds greater than thirty-five mph that cause major blowing and drifting of snow, reducing visibility to less than one-quarter mile.
What is a Blizzard?
includes winter storm conditions of sustained winds greater than thirty-five mph that cause major blowing and drifting of snow, reducing visibility to less than one-quarter mile.
What is Blowing Dust?
dust that is raised by the wind to moderate heights above the ground to a degree that horizontal visibility decreases to less than seven miles.
What is Blowing Dust?
dust that is raised by the wind to moderate heights above the ground to a degree that horizontal visibility decreases to less than seven miles.
What is Blowing Snow?
wind blown snow that reduces horizontal visibility.
What is Blowing Snow?
wind blown snow that reduces horizontal visibility.
What is a Breaker?
a large sea surface wave that has become too steep and unstable; as the wave breaks a whitecap will form.
What is a Breaker?
a large sea surface wave that has become too steep and unstable; as the wave breaks a whitecap will form.
What are Broken Clouds?
opaque clouds that cover 6/10ths to 9/10ths of the sky.
What are Broken Clouds?
opaque clouds that cover 6/10ths to 9/10ths of the sky.
What is a Calm?
the absence of apparent motion in the air.
What is a Calm?
the absence of apparent motion in the air.
What is a Ceiling?
the height of the lowest layer of broken and overcast clouds.
What is a Ceiling?
the height of the lowest layer of broken and overcast clouds.
What is Celsius?
a temperature scale in which zero is the freezing point of water and one hundred is the boiling point.
What is Celsius?
a temperature scale in which zero is the freezing point of water and one hundred is the boiling point.
What is a Chinook?
a strong downslope wind that causes the air to warm rapidly as a result of compressive heating; called a Foehn wind in Europe.
What is a Chinook?
a strong downslope wind that causes the air to warm rapidly as a result of compressive heating; called a Foehn wind in Europe.
What is Clear?
the appearance of the sky when it is without clouds, or less than 1/10th of the sky is covered by clouds.
What is Clear?
the appearance of the sky when it is without clouds, or less than 1/10th of the sky is covered by clouds.
What is Climatology?
the scientific study of climate.
What is Climatology?
the scientific study of climate.
What is Cloud Condensation Nuclei ?
small particles in the air on which water vapor condenses and forms cloud droplets.
What is Cloud Condensation Nuclei ?
small particles in the air on which water vapor condenses and forms cloud droplets.
What is Cloudy?
the state of the sky when 7/10ths or more of the sky is covered by clouds.
What is Cloudy?
the state of the sky when 7/10ths or more of the sky is covered by clouds.
What is Coastal Flooding?
the submersion of land areas along the ocean coast and other inland waters caused by sea water over and above normal tide action.
What is Coastal Flooding?
the submersion of land areas along the ocean coast and other inland waters caused by sea water over and above normal tide action.
What are Coastal Waters?
include the area from a line approximating the mean high water along the mainland or island as far out as sixty nautical miles including the bays, harbors and sounds.
What are Coastal Waters?
include the area from a line approximating the mean high water along the mainland or island as far out as sixty nautical miles including the bays, harbors and sounds.
What is a Cold Front?
the leading edge of a cold air mass as it moves toward warmer air; its movement is characterized by a drop in temperature and humidity after the front passes.
What is a Cold Front?
the leading edge of a cold air mass as it moves toward warmer air; its movement is characterized by a drop in temperature and humidity after the front passes.
What is Cold Low?
a low pressure system with cold air mass from near the surface to all vertical levels (also called a cold core low).
What is Cold Low?
a low pressure system with cold air mass from near the surface to all vertical levels (also called a cold core low).
What are Combined Seas?
the interaction of wind waves and swell; the combined seas height is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the wind waves and swell.
What are Combined Seas?
the interaction of wind waves and swell; the combined seas height is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the wind waves and swell.
What is Condensation?
the occurrence of vapor transforming into a liquid.
What is Condensation?
the occurrence of vapor transforming into a liquid.
What is Conduction?
the transfer of heat between bodies that are in contact.
What is Conduction?
the transfer of heat between bodies that are in contact.
What is Convection?
the transfer of heat within a gas or liquid by their movement.
What is Convection?
the transfer of heat within a gas or liquid by their movement.
What is a Corona?
a disk of light surrounding the sun or moon; this is a result of the diffraction of light by small water droplets.
What is a Corona?
a disk of light surrounding the sun or moon; this is a result of the diffraction of light by small water droplets.
What is a Cyclone?
a body of air in which the pressure is lower than that of the surrounding air; a low or low pressure area.
What is a Cyclone?
a body of air in which the pressure is lower than that of the surrounding air; a low or low pressure area.
What is a Degree Day?
a measure of the departure of the daily mean temperature from the normal daily temperature; heating and cooling Degree Days are the departure of the daily mean temperature from sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit.
What is a Degree Day?
a measure of the departure of the daily mean temperature from the normal daily temperature; heating and cooling Degree Days are the departure of the daily mean temperature from sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit.
What is Dense Fog?
a fog in which the visibility is less than one-quarter mile.
What is Dense Fog?
a fog in which the visibility is less than one-quarter mile.
What is Depression?
a region of low atmospheric pressure that is usually accompanied by low clouds and precipitation.
What is Depression?
a region of low atmospheric pressure that is usually accompanied by low clouds and precipitation.
What is Dew?
water drops on an object at or near the ground formed from condensation of water vapor from the surrounding air.
What is Dew?
water drops on an object at or near the ground formed from condensation of water vapor from the surrounding air.
What is Dew Point?
the temperature to which a certain amount of air must be cooled in order for saturation to occur (a cloud or fog to form); the drier the air the lower the dew point and the more air is needed to be cooled for a cloud or fog to form.
What is Dew Point?
the temperature to which a certain amount of air must be cooled in order for saturation to occur (a cloud or fog to form); the drier the air the lower the dew point and the more air is needed to be cooled for a cloud or fog to form.
What is a Disturbance?
a disruption of the atmosphere that usually refers to a low pressure area, cool air and inclement weather.
What is a Disturbance?
a disruption of the atmosphere that usually refers to a low pressure area, cool air and inclement weather.
What is Divergence?
refers to the spreading out of winds.
What is Divergence?
refers to the spreading out of winds.
What is Doldrums?
the regions on either side of the equator where air pressure is low and winds are light.
What is Doldrums?
the regions on either side of the equator where air pressure is low and winds are light.
What is Doppler Radar?
radar that determines the intensity of rainfall and velocities of water and air particles; the National Weather Service uses a type of Doppler Radar called the WSR-88D, or NEXRAD; velocities of detected targets are determined by Doppler shift in frequency.
What is Doppler Radar?
radar that determines the intensity of rainfall and velocities of water and air particles; the National Weather Service uses a type of Doppler Radar called the WSR-88D, or NEXRAD; velocities of detected targets are determined by Doppler shift in frequency.
What is Downburst?
a vertical or nearly vertical downward burst of strong winds at ground level, usually associated with a thunderstorm.
What is Downburst?
a vertical or nearly vertical downward burst of strong winds at ground level, usually associated with a thunderstorm.
What is Drizzle?
a form of precipitation that consists of water droplets less than .5mm.
What is Drizzle?
a form of precipitation that consists of water droplets less than .5mm.
What is a Dust Devil?
a rapidly rotating column of air carrying dust, leaves and other light-weight material; dust devils usually develop during hot, sunny days over dry and dusty or sandy areas.
What is a Dust Devil?
a rapidly rotating column of air carrying dust, leaves and other light-weight material; dust devils usually develop during hot, sunny days over dry and dusty or sandy areas.
What is a Dust Storm?
an area where high surface winds have picked up loose dust, reducing visibility to less than one-half mile.
What is a Dust Storm?
an area where high surface winds have picked up loose dust, reducing visibility to less than one-half mile.
What is Ebb Current?
the movement of a tidal current away form the coast or down an estuary.
What is El Nino?
a great warming of the equatorial waters in the eastern Pacific Ocean; El Nino events occur every three to seven years and are related to shifts in global weather patterns.
What is Evaporation?
the process of a liquid changing into a vapor or gas.
What is Extended Outlook?
a basic forecast of general weather conditions three to five days in the future.
What is theFAA?
the Federal Aviation Administration.
What is Fahrenheit?
the standard scale used to measure temperature in the United States; in which the freezing point of water is thirty-two degrees and the boiling point is two hundred and twelve degrees.
What is Fair?
describes weather in which there is less than 4/10ths of opaque cloud cover and no precipitation; and there is no extreme visibility, wind or temperature conditions.
What is Fall Wind?
a strong, cold, downslope wind.
What is Fathom?
the common unit used to measure depth in the ocean; it is equivalent ot six feet.
What is Fetch?
the area in which waves are formed by a wind with an approximately constant speed and direction.
What is Foehn Wind?
European term for Chinook Wind; or warm, downslope wind.
What is a Flood?
a condition that occurs when water overflows the natural or artificial confines of a stream or river; the water also may accumulate by drainage over low-lying areas.
What is Fog?
water that has condensed close to ground level, producing a cloud of very small droplets that reduces visibility to less than one km (three thousand and three hundred feet).
What is Fogbow?
a rainbow that has a white band that appears in fog, and is fringed with red on the outside and blue on the inside.
What is Freezing Level?
the altitude in the atmosphere at which the temperature drops to thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit.
What is Freezing Rain or Drizzle?
is precipitation that falls in liquid form but freezes upon contact with cold objects.
What is Freshet?
the annual spring rise of streams in cold climates as a result of snow melt; freshet also refers to a flood caused by rain or melting snow.
What is Frog Storm?
the first bad weather in spring after a warm period.
What is a Front?
the boundary or transition zone of two air masses; if cold air advances and replaces warmer air the front is a cold front, and if warm air advances and replaces cooler air the front is a warm front.
What is Frost?
the formation of thin ice crystals on the ground or other surfaces; frost develops under conditions similar to those of dew, except in temperature of the earth’s surface and earthbound objects fall below thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit.
What is Funnel Cloud?
a funnel shaped cloud that extends from a cumulus or cumulonimbus cloud; this cloud is related to a rotating column of air that is not in contact with the ground.