Terms Flashcards
What is Acid Rain?
rain that is especially acidic as the result of water vapor condensing onto particles of sulfate or nitrogen oxide.
What is Adiabatic?
changes in temperature caused by the expansion (cooling) or compression (warming) of a body of air as it rises or descends in the atmosphere.
What is Advection?
the horizontal transport of air, moisture, vorticity or other atmospheric properties; commonly used in describing the transport of moisture and temperature.
What is Advection Fog?
a type of fog that results from the advection of moist air over a cold surface and the cooling of the air to its dew point that follows; this type of fog is most common in coastal regions.
What is AFOS?
the Automation of Field Operations and Services; AFOS is the computer system that links National Weather Service offices and other computer networks, such as the NOAA weather wire, to transmit weather information.
What is AGL?
above ground level.
What is Air?
the mixture of gases that make-up the earth’s atmosphere.
What is Air Mass?
a large body of air that has similar temperature and moisture characteristics.
What is Air Mass?
a large body of air that has similar temperature and moisture characteristics.
What is Albedo?
the reflectiveness of a surface given as either a percentage or a decimal.
What is Albedo?
the reflectiveness of a surface given as either a percentage or a decimal.
What is Anabatic?
wind flowing up an incline, such as up a hillside; upslope wind.
What is Anabatic?
wind flowing up an incline, such as up a hillside; upslope wind.
What is Anemometer?
an instrument used to measure wind speed.
What is Anemometer?
an instrument used to measure wind speed.
What isAngular Momentum?
the energy of motion of a spinning body or mass of air or water.
What isAngular Momentum?
the energy of motion of a spinning body or mass of air or water.
What is Angular Velocity?
the rate at which a spinning body rotates.
What is Angular Velocity?
the rate at which a spinning body rotates.
What is Anticyclone?
a body of air in which the atmospheric pressure is higher than the pressure in the surrounding air; a high or high pressure area.
What is Anticyclone?
a body of air in which the atmospheric pressure is higher than the pressure in the surrounding air; a high or high pressure area.
What is Anticyclonic?
describes the movement of air around a high pressure; and rotation about the local vertical oppostie the earth’s rotation.
What is Anticyclonic?
describes the movement of air around a high pressure; and rotation about the local vertical oppostie the earth’s rotation.
What is Arctic Air?
a mass of very cold, dry air that usually originates over the Arctic Ocean north of Canada and Alaska.
What is Arctic Air?
a mass of very cold, dry air that usually originates over the Arctic Ocean north of Canada and Alaska.
What is Arctic High?
a very cold high pressure that originates over the Arctic Ocean.
What is Arctic High?
a very cold high pressure that originates over the Arctic Ocean.
What is ASOS?
the Automated Surface Observation System; this system observes sky condition, weather, temperature, dew point, wind direction and speed, pressure and precipitation.
What is ASOS?
the Automated Surface Observation System; this system observes sky condition, weather, temperature, dew point, wind direction and speed, pressure and precipitation.
What is Atmosphere?
the mass of air surrounding the earth and bound to it more or less permanently by the earth’s gravitational attraction.
What is Atmosphere?
the mass of air surrounding the earth and bound to it more or less permanently by the earth’s gravitational attraction.
What is Avalanche?
a large mass of rapidly moving snow down a steep mountain slope.
What is Avalanche?
a large mass of rapidly moving snow down a steep mountain slope.
What is AWIPS?
the Advanced Weather Information Processing System; this new computer system integrates computer graphics, satellite and radar imagery. (This system is scheduled to be put in all National Weather Service offices by the end of the 1990s).
What is AWIPS?
the Advanced Weather Information Processing System; this new computer system integrates computer graphics, satellite and radar imagery. (This system is scheduled to be put in all National Weather Service offices by the end of the 1990s).
What is Backing?
relates to time trend and wind direction; backing winds trend counter-clockwise and are indicative of cold air advection.
What is Backing?
relates to time trend and wind direction; backing winds trend counter-clockwise and are indicative of cold air advection.
What is a Bar?
an obstacle formed at the shallow entrance at the mouth of a river or bay that empties into the ocean; when a swift ebb current and heavy seas rolling in from the Pacific meet, large breakers develop over the bar.
What is a Bar?
an obstacle formed at the shallow entrance at the mouth of a river or bay that empties into the ocean; when a swift ebb current and heavy seas rolling in from the Pacific meet, large breakers develop over the bar.
What is a Barometer?
an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.
What is a Barometer?
an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.
What is Beaufort Scale?
a scale that indicates the wind speed using the effect wind has on certain familiar objects.
What is Beaufort Scale?
a scale that indicates the wind speed using the effect wind has on certain familiar objects.
What is Black Ice?
thin, new ice that forms on fresh water or dew covered surfaces; it is common on roadways during the fall and early winter and appears “black” because of its transparency.
What is Black Ice?
thin, new ice that forms on fresh water or dew covered surfaces; it is common on roadways during the fall and early winter and appears “black” because of its transparency.
What is a Blizzard?
includes winter storm conditions of sustained winds greater than thirty-five mph that cause major blowing and drifting of snow, reducing visibility to less than one-quarter mile.
What is a Blizzard?
includes winter storm conditions of sustained winds greater than thirty-five mph that cause major blowing and drifting of snow, reducing visibility to less than one-quarter mile.
What is Blowing Dust?
dust that is raised by the wind to moderate heights above the ground to a degree that horizontal visibility decreases to less than seven miles.
What is Blowing Dust?
dust that is raised by the wind to moderate heights above the ground to a degree that horizontal visibility decreases to less than seven miles.
What is Blowing Snow?
wind blown snow that reduces horizontal visibility.
What is Blowing Snow?
wind blown snow that reduces horizontal visibility.
What is a Breaker?
a large sea surface wave that has become too steep and unstable; as the wave breaks a whitecap will form.
What is a Breaker?
a large sea surface wave that has become too steep and unstable; as the wave breaks a whitecap will form.
What are Broken Clouds?
opaque clouds that cover 6/10ths to 9/10ths of the sky.
What are Broken Clouds?
opaque clouds that cover 6/10ths to 9/10ths of the sky.