TERMS Flashcards
Element of art
Produced when light reflects off of an object and hits the eye
Element of Art
Point moving across space
Element of Art
Two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height and width
Element of Art
Three-Dimensional geometric figure
Element of Art
Refers to how things feel, or look as if they might feel if touched
Element of Art
The lightness or darkness of a color
Element of Art
Refers to the emptiness or area between, around, above, below, or within objects
Elements of Art
Color, Line, Shape, Form, Texture, Value, Space
One Point Linear Perspective
A version of linear perspective in which there is only one vanishing point in the composition
Two Point Linear Perspective
Two vanishing points in a composition in which you view objects from the corner
Isometric Perspective
A system using diagonal parallel lines to communicate depth
In this technique, all objects appear at the same size regardless of distance
Popular in traditional Japanese Art
Trimetric Perspective
The direction of viewing is such that all of the three axes of space appear unequally foreshortened
All three angles have different degrees of foreshortening relative to their length
All angles where the axes meet will be different in this type of drawing
Principle of Design
A condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions
There are three types of visual balance: symmetry, asymmetry, and radial
Creates unity
Principle of Design
Refers to the arrangement of opposite elements (light vs . dark colors, rough vs. smooth textures, large vs. small shapes, etc.)
Principle of Design
Related to the sense of wholeness that results from the successful combination of the component elements of an artwork
Created by balance and repetition
Principle of Design
Concerned with diversity or contrast
Achieved by using different shapes, sizes, and/or colors in a work of art
Principle of Design
Indicates movement
Created by the careful placement of repeated elements in a work of art to cause a visual tempo or beat
Principle of Design
Some graphic elements are repeated throughout the entire design
Creates unity
Principle of Design
Used to create the look and feeling of action and to guide the viewer’s eye throughout the work of art
Principle of Design
The geometric arrangement of objects in space
Principle of Design
Creates unity by stressing the similarities of separate but related parts
Principle of Design
Arranging the design to highlight specific components
Establishes focus
Principles of Design
Balance, Contrast, Unity, Emphasis, Repetition, Rhythm, Variety, Movement, Pattern, Harmony
Hot pressed paper
Papers are hard and smooth
Best suited to detail work with pen or hard pencil They are not very absorbent
Cold Pressed Paper
The most common
Have moderate surface texture and absorbency and accept the widest range of media
Rough paper has a pronounced surface texture and is most commonly used with watercolor or ink washes
Graphite Pencils
They are a mix of graphite and clay mixed together. The more clay that is mixed with the graphite the lighter in value the pencil is (H Pencils)
B pencils have more graphite in them and less clay making them softer creating darker values.
Charcoal Sticks
A dry drawing medium made from charred twigs, usually vine or willow.
Compressed Charcoal
Charcoal ground to a powder and compressed into chalk-like sticks
Offers deeper, richer blacks than stick charcoal, but is harder to erase
Powdered Charcoal
Produced by rolled blotting paper in pencil form, very hard and suitable when a variety of tonal effects are desired.
Non-Waterproof Ink
Provides an effect similar to watercolor in that these absorb into the paper and dry to a matte finish
The color range is relatively small
A light, liquid varnish sprayed over finished charcoal or pastel drawings to prevent smudging
Bamboo Brushes
Offers greatest range of flexibility as determined by brush size, pressure, amount of ink applied, dilution of ink and angle of brush to paper
Dots spaced close or far apart to suggest darker or lighter areas
Cross hatching
The use of overlapping parallel lines to convey darkness or lightness
The use of perspective to represent in art the apparent visual contraction of an object that extends back in space at an angle to the perpendicular plane of sight
Gesture Drawing
The drawing of lines quickly and loosely to show movement in a subject.
Contour Drawing
Shows the edges of figures or objects
Drawn slowly to capture every detail including folds, wrinkles, and details
Cross Contour
A line that moves across a shape or object to define the surface undulations between the outermost edges
Oil Paint
A paste made with ground pigment and a drying oil such as linseed oil, used chiefly by artists
Acrylic Paint
A water based paint that has a (polymer) plastic binder and dries to a permanent covering
Pigments suspended in a gum arabic, a water soluble glue binder
In oil painting, the process of painting the canvas in a base, often monochrome color as a first step in creating the areas of light and dark value
In oil painting, the technique of brushing one layer of paint on top of another in a way that reveals some of the under color
Dry Brushing
A painting technique in which, as the name suggests, a little bit of paint is put on a dry brush
When applied, it produces a broken, scratchy effect.
Painting that applies the pigment thickly so that brush or palette knife marks are visible
Alla Prima
A style of painting where, instead of building colors up with layers, the painting is done in one session while the paint is still wet
A form of decoration made by scratching through a surface to reveal a lower layer of a contrasting color
Typically done in plaster or stucco on walls, or in slip on ceramics before firing.
Graded Wash
A wash that smoothly changes in value from dark to light.
A coating applied after printing to provide a clear protective surface
In oil painting, adding a transparent layer of paint to achieve a richness in texture, volume, and form
Organic Pigments
Made using carbon chemistry
Transparent inks with varying lightfastness (cyan has excellent lightfastness)
Inorganic Pigments
Ground up minerals, brightly colored rocks, offer lightfastness (holds color when exposed to light, doesn’t fade)
-chrome yellow, zinc yellow, iron oxides, iron blue, ultramarine blue, titanium dioxide (one of the most widely used—packaging)
Synthetic Pigments
Paints that are artificially made in science labs
Thin, flat sheets of metal commonly made from aluminum
They are used in printing products like business cards, catalogs, and brochures
Stone Lithography
Artist can naturally “paint” or “draw” with an oily substance onto a flat stone to create an image
Stone is moistened with water
Oil based ink in applied to the stone
Piece of paper is pressed to the stone
Woodblock Printing
A type of printing in which text is carved into a block of wood and the block is then coated with ink and pressed on the page
An intaglio printmaking technique in which a metal plate is covered with an acid-resistant ground and worked with an etching needle to create an image.
Small, chisel-like tools with a pointed end; thought to have been used to engrave bone, antler, ivory, or wood.
A small, hand-held rubber roller used to spread printing ink evenly on a surface before printing.
A printing technique that passes ink or paint through a stenciled image to make multiple copies
Etching Ground
A resinous acid-resistant substance used to cover a copper plate before an image is etched on it.
A print process- lithography and silkscreen printing- where the inked image area and non-inked areas are at the same height
Relief Printing
Printmaking techniques in which the image is printed from the raised areas of the printmaking block.
Any printing process in which the ink sits below the surface of the plate
One of a kind print made from painted or inked surface
Pulling Prints
When you lift the sheet of paper from the print plate or block, revealing the print you’ve created
Artist’s Proof
One of a small group of prints set aside from the edition for the artist’s use.
All the copies of a print made from a single printing
bon a tirer BAT
(French, good to pull) A press proof of a print that is approved by the artist and serves as the standard for the edition.
Trial Proof
Print made during the carving or development process to check the image
State Proof
A proof that shows an image in a particular finished state of development.
A variation of an image before its final state.
Hors Commerce Proof
Impressions annotated as H.C. are typically not for sale.
Publishers may sometimes use such proofs as exhibition copies, thereby preserving the numbered impressions in the edition from exposure and rough handling
Cancellation Print
After completing the edition, the artist may deliberately deface the plate, block, or screen and pull a print to show the edition is limited
Variable Edition
Print being unique or containing unique elements that cannot be exactly reproduced in another pulling
Picture engraved on copper or steel by polishing or scraping away parts of a roughened surface
Additive Sculpture
A kind of sculpture technique in which materials (for example, clay) are built up or “added” to create form.
Subtractive Sculpture
A kind of sculpture technique in which materials are taken away from the original mass; carving.
Relief Sculpture
A sculpture that comes forward from a flat surface, as opposed to being freestanding.
An artwork created by the assembling and arrangement of objects in a specific location
Artworks created by altering a large area of land using natural and organic materials.
Earthworks are usually large-scale projects that take formal advantage of the local topography.
Computer Aided Design.
The use of computers in converting the initial idea for a product into a detailed engineering design.
The step in which the sculptor smooths out rough edges before mounting and finishing the piece.
Plaster Molds
A plaster shape designed to pour slip into and let dry, the shape comes out as an exact replica
A three-dimensional composition in which a collection of objects is unified in a sculptural work.
A framework or skeleton used to support a sculpture
Single Lens Reflex Camera
A camera with a movable mirror and detachable lenses that allows you to see exactly what you will be photographing
Digital Camera
A camera that encodes an image digitally and store it for later reproduction
Camera Lens
A piece of curved glass that focuses light rays in order to form an image on film
Wide Angle Lenses
Exaggerate relative size and linear perspective; de-emphasize overlapping planes and aerial perspective
Controls the amount of light that will reach the camera’s image sensor
Shutter Speed
The amount of time the shutter inside the camera is open to expose your photo
Image Sensor
An electronic component in a digital camera that measures and records light as it passes through the lens and shutter of the camera