Terms Flashcards
The buildup of excess acid in the blood or body tissues that can result from a primary illness
Diabetes mellitus
A metabolic disorder in which the ability to metabolize carbohydrates (sugars) is impaired, usually because of a lack of insulin
Diabetic keto acidosis DKA
A form of hyperglycemia in uncontrolled diabetes in which certain acids accumulate with insulin is not available
Endocrine glands
Glands that secrete or release chemicals that are used inside the body
Endocrine system
The complex message and control system that integrates many body functions, including the release of hormones
One of the basic sugars; it is the primary fuel in conjunction with oxygen for cellular metabolism
The study and prevention of blood related disorders
A hereditary condition in which the patient lacks one or more of the blood normal clotting factors
Substances formed in specialized organs or glands, and carried to another organ or group of cells in the same organism. They regulate many body functions and clean, metabolism, growth, and body temperature.
And abnormally high blood glucose level
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic non-ketotic syndrome HHNS
A life-threatening condition, resulting from high blood glucose that typically occurs in older adults which cause his altered mental status, dehydration and organ damage
An abnormally low blood glucose level
A hormone produced by the islets of Langerhans (endocrine gland, located throughout the pancreas) that enables glucose in the blood to enter cells, used in synthetic form to treat and control diabetes mellitus
Kussmaul respirations
Deep, rapid breathing, usually result of an accumulation of certain acids when insulin is not available in the body
Excessive thirst that persist for long periods, despite reasonable fluid intake often the result of excessive urination
Excessive eating; in diabetes the inability to use glucose properly can cause a sense of hunger
The passage of an unusually large volume of urine in a given period; in diabetes, this can result from the wasting of glucose in the urine
Sickle cell disease
A hereditary disease that causes normal round red blood cells to become oblong or sickle shaped
Symptomatic hyperglycemia
The state of unconsciousness resulting from several problems, including ketoacidosis, dehydration because of excessive urination, and hyperglycemia
Symptomatic hypoglycemia
Severe hypoglycemia, resulting and changes in mental status
A tendency toward the development of blood clots as a result of an abnormality of the system of coagulation
A blood clot, either in the arterial or venous system
Type 1 diabetes
An auto immune disorder in which the individuals immune system produces antibodies to the pancreatic beta cells, and therefore the pancreas cannot produce insulin; onset in early children is common
Type 2 diabetes
A condition in which insulin resistance develops in response to increased blood glucose levels can be managed by exercise and diet modification, but is often managed by medications
Vasoocclusive crisis
Ischemia and pain caused bicycle shaped red blood cells that obstruct blood flow to a portion of the body