Terms Flashcards
Who gets what, when, and how; a process of determining how power and resources are distributed in a society without recourse to violence
Informal, unwritten expectations that guide behavior and support formal rule systems; often most noticeable when broken
Laissez-faire Capitalism
An economic system in which the market makes all the decisions and the government plays no role
Regulated Capitalism
A market system in which the government intervenes to protect rights
Organizations in which government power is excerised
Procedural Guarantees
Government assurance that the rules will work smoothly and treat everyone fairly, with no promise of particular outcomes
Substantive Guarantees
Government assurance of particular outcomes or results
Political Narrative
A persuasive story about the nature of power, who should have it, and how it should be used
A system or organization for exercising authority over a body of people
Journalists and the media elite who determine which news stories are covered and which are not
Socialist Economy
An economic system in which the state determines production, distribution, and price decisions, and property is government owned
Power that is recognized as legitimate, or right
Production and distribution of society’s material resources and services
Capitalist Economy
An economy system in which the market determines production, distribution, and price decisions, and property is privately owned
Government that vests power in the people
Members of political communities with both rights and responsibilities
A system in which absolute power is exercised over every aspect of life
Classical Liberalism
A political ideology dating from the seventeenth century emphasizing individual rights over the power of the state
Social Contract
The notion that society is based on an agreement between government and the governed in which people agree to give up some rights in exchange for the protections of others