Terms Flashcards
Authoritarian parenting style
A parenting style tending to use punitive control methods and lacking emotional warmth
Authoritative parenting style
A parenting style tending to have reasonably high demands for child compliance coupled with emotional warmth
A disorder whose essential features are lack of responsiveness to other people, gross impairment in communication skills, and behaviors and interests that are repetitive, inflexibly routine, and stereotyped
Autokinetic effect
An illusion that occurs when a spot of light appears to move erratically in a dark room simply because there’s no frame of reference
Availability heuristic
A decision-making shortcut that people tend to use when trying to decide how likely something is based upon how easily similar instances can be imagined
Aversion therapy
A behavioral therapy of pairing unpleasant stimuli with undesirable behavior
Balance theory
Fritz Heider’s consistency theory that is concerned with balance and imbalance in the ways in which three elements are related
Behavioral contracts
A therapeutic technique that is a negotiated agreement between two parties that explicitly stipulates the behavioral change that is desired and indicates consequences of certain acts
Behavioral stimulants
A class of drugs that increase behavioral activity by increasing motor activity or by counteracting fatigue, and which are thought to stimulate receptors for dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin
Békésy’s traveling wave theory
Proposed by Von Békésy, the theory holds that high-frequency sounds maximally vibrate the basilar membrane near the beginning of the cochlea close to the oval window and low frequencies maximally vibrate near the apex, or tip, of the cochlea
Between-subjects design
An experimental design whereby each subject is exposed only one level of each independent variable
Binocular disparity (stereopsis)
A cue for depth perception that depends on the fact that the distance between the eyes provides two slightly disparate views of the world that, when combined, give us a perception of depth
Bipolar disorder
A mood disorder characterized by both depression and mania
Boomerang effect
In theories of attitude persuasion, it is an attitude change in the opposite direction of the persuader’s message
Borderline personality disorder
A personality disorder characterized by an instability in interpersonal behavior, mood, and self-image that borders on psychosis
Bottom-up processing (data-driven processing)
Information processing that occurs when objects are recognized by the summation of the components of incoming stimulus to arrive at the whole pattern
The subjective impression of the intensity of a light stimulus
Brightness contrast
In brightness perception, it refers to when a particular luminance appears brighter when surrounded by a darker stimulus than when surrounded by a lighter stimulus
Broca’s aphasia
Impairments in producing spoken language associated with lesions to Broca’s area
Bulimia nervosa
An eating disorder that involves binge eating and excessive attempts to compensate for it by purging, fasting, or excessive exercising.
Bystander effect
The reluctance of people to intervene to help others in emergency situations when other people also witness the situation
Cannon-Bard theory
A theory of emotions stating that awareness of emotions reflects our physiological arousal and our cognitive experience of emotion
Case study
An experimental method used in developmental psychology to take a very detailed look at development by studying a small number of individuals. This is also called the clinical method
A term from Piaget’s theory, it is the tendency for preoperational children to be able to focus on only one aspect of a phenomenon