Terminology Part 1 Flashcards
results from the oxidation of primary alcohols; there are several other chemicals in the class of highly reactive chemical compounds (composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen)
Acid Balanced Waves
permanent waves processed without heat that have a pH ranging between 7.0 to 8.2; produce a firmer curl and process more quickly than true acid waves
Alkaline Waves
also known as Cold Waves, processed without heat; the main ingredient is thioglycolic acid
Amino acids
protein building blocks of hair that link together to form tiny protein fibers
an inorganic compound of colorless liquid, composed of one part nitrogen and three parts hydrogen; it has a pungent odor and is an alkaline substance used in the manufacturing of permanent wave solutions and hair lighteners to aid in opening the cuticle layer
Ammonium Bisulfite Relaxer
a mild, alternative relaxer containing a low pH compatible with thio relaxers
Ammonia-Free Waves
use an ingredient other than ammonia to reduce the odor associated with ammonia perms
Define Ammonium Thioglycolate (ATG)
a combination of ammonia and thioglycolic acid that creates a reducing agent used in permanent waves and relaxers
Base Cream
also known as a Protective Base Cream, is an oily cream applied on the scalp / skin to protect from the chemicals in the relaxer
Base Control
also known as Base Placement, is the position of the tool in relation to its base section and is determined by the angle at which the hair is wrapped
Base Direction
the position of the perm rod horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, within a section and/or parting
Base Relaxer
requires a protective base cream to be applied to the hairline and scalp; when a relaxer is labeled ‘base relaxer’, it means the relaxer is too strong to be applied without the application of a base cream
Base Sections
the subsections located within a larger panel section; the hair is divided into smaller subsections that hold one perm rod each
Basic Perm Wrap
also known as Straight Set Wrap or 9-Block Wrap, is controlled sections of hair in which perm rods are placed in rectangular-shaped subsections
Bender Rod
also known as Flexible Rods, are foam-covered perm rods that are easily bent into different shapes and used for permanent waving