terminology Flashcards
a type of attachment which describes those children who tend to avoid social interactions and intimacy with others
stranger anxiety
the distress shown by an infant when approached or picked up by someone who is unfamiliar
responding to the action of another with a similar action. where the action of one partner elicit a response from the other
multiple attachments
having more than one attachment figure
an emotional bond between two people. it is a two way process that endures over time
any person who is providing care for a child
the loss of emotional care that is normally provided by a primary care giver
strange situations
a controlled observation designed to test attachment security
learning theory
the name given to a group of explanations which explain behaviour in terms of learning rather than innate tendencies. (i.e. classical and operant conditioning)
maternal reflective functioning
the ability to understand what someone is thinking/feeling
indiscriminate attachments
from birth-2 months, infants produce similar responses to all objects whether animate/inanimate
an innate readiness to develop a strong bond with the mother that takes place during a specific development of time