Terminology Flashcards
In Las Vegas there exist Simulacrum’s of the 8 wonders of the world. What is a simulacrum?
an image or representation of someone or something.
“a small-scale simulacrum of a skyscraper”
an unsatisfactory imitation or substitute.
“a bland simulacrum of American soul music”
A vast dichotomy between UK gun laws, and US right to bear arms. What is a dichotomy?
a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
“a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism”
The MET police have issued a tenuous alert on the Twitter account; to remind civilians that the use of segways are not permitted on pavements. What is tenuous?
.very weak or slight.
“the tenuous link between interest rates and investment”
The strange alchemy that occurs when markets correct themselves has been attributed to the ‘invisible hand’. What is alchemy?
a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.
“finding the person who’s right for you requires a very subtle alchemy”
The Axiomatic bombardment of Kurdish peace rallies by ISIS in Ankara has spurned the Turkish government to take action. Define axiomatic.
self-evident or unquestionable.
“it is axiomatic that dividends have to be financed”
synonyms: self-evident, unquestionable, undeniable
Germany issued a moratorium on the overwhelming flow of refugees crossing their borders, after they processed an astounding 12,000 refugees across their borders in one day. What is a moratorium?
a temporary prohibition of an activity.
“a moratorium on the use of drift nets”
a suspension of activity: a moratorium on the testing of nuclear weapons.
Fox News uses political chicanery to promote fear of black, as evident on their coverage of the Ferguson riots. Define chicanery.
the use of deception or subterfuge to achieve one’s purpose.
“storylines packed with political chicanery”
The main tenet of the cosmopolitan way of thinking involves humanity. What is a tenet?
a principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy.
“the tenets of classical liberalism”
Joe Biden has the Imprimatur of the president to run for office. What is imprimatur?
sanction or approval; support: Our plan has the company president’s imprimatur.
There has been a Curtailment on public spending, in order to reduce the deposit. What is curtailment?
the action or fact of reducing or restricting something.
“the curtailment of human rights”
The Draconian laws imposed on women in Middle Eastern & Sub-Saharan countries would be seen as a breach of human rights in the west.
(of laws or their application) excessively harsh and severe.
“the Nazis destroyed the independence of the press by a series of draconian laws”
The American Culture is anathema to North Koreans, and Iranians. Define anathema?
something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
“racial hatred was anathema to her”
The Derision of his story by the Press, pushed him into further reclusion. Define derision.
contemptuous ridicule or mockery.
“my stories were greeted with derision and disbelief”
The Sustainability of economic growth is vital in capitalism. What is sustainability??
In more general terms, sustainability is the endurance of systems and processes. The organizing principle for sustainability is sustainable development, which includes the four interconnected domains: ecology, economics, politics and culture.
The story he overheard was Schematic; and he had to inform his group. Define schematic
Pertaining to or the nature of a scheme.
The Great Transformation occurred in the late 18th century, what was it?
A term coined by Karl Polanyi (1957) is understood as the rise of industrial capitalism from roughly the late eighteenth century.
Colonialism is s child of capitalism. What is colonialism?
Is the political control of people’s and territories by foreign states, whether accompanied by significant permanent settlement or not.
The US government applied a measure of Quantitative Easing after the 2008 market crash to boost investment. What is quantitative easing?
Printing or adding money to the economy to inject investment.
Capitalism is the production for exchange, in order to accumulate personal profit. What is ‘production for exchange’?
are commodities that are exchanged for currency
Productive Capital is a principle of capitalism, a vital key needed in order to expand and generate capital.
Capital invested in production by means of land, labour power, which it then organises in a production process, making new value as the necessary step towards realising a profit.
The Proletariat’s are shunned, and condemned to work life. Whilst the bourgeoisie lavish their encompassing wealth around town.
A class of wage earner in a capitalist society whose only possession of significant material value is its labour power.
Mercantile Capital is invested in the circulation of commodities?
Who invests the capital?
Capital invested in the circulation of commodities (by wholesalers & chain stores) and finance capital in the provision of finance and credit(by banks)
Primitive Accumulation
The process described by Marx, beginning with the gathering together of commodities, then gold and silver, and finally money by nascent capitalism created the material base (through the systematic exploitation of labour, expropriation of resources, and colonial plundering) that facilitated its dominance in the economic and political spheres.
After Russia began a bombing campaign against ISIS, the USA seceded relations with the free Syrian army, and will no longer be supplying military training. Define secede?
Withdraw from an alliance
The grant for building the opera house gave impetus to the city’s cultural life. Define impetus?
A moving force,
The SDG’s are nascent; they should be announced shortly by the UN. What is nascent?
Beginning to exist or develop
Taking this kind of perspective shows us that the division of the world into separate territorial units, called states, is both artificial & Arbitrary.
What is arbitrary?
having unlimited power; uncontrolled or unrestricted by law; despotic; tyrannical: an arbitrary government.
capricious; unreasonable; unsupported: an arbitrary demand for payment.
The realist paradigm consist of a body of theories, that have a core belief of anarchy.
What is anarchy?
Anarchy is the belief in no higher power, anarchist believe that states are the principle actors in world politics, and no higher authority sits above them.
States exercise sovereignty. What is it?
The ability to carry out actions or policies within borders independent from interference within and outside
Nationalist tend to have a communitarian mindset in regards to Humanitarian Aid. What is a nationalism?
A nationalism is the sense of belonging and identity that distinguishes one nation from another.
The rules that a state sets and follows in exerting its power are referred to collectively as:
What is a Coup d’état?
A forced takeover of the government.
What is Patron-clientelism? & give examples of when it may be used?
Is a system in which the state provides specific benefits or favours to a single person or small group on return for public support.
A basic principle of democracy is Pluralism. What is it?
A situation in shift power is split among many groups that compete for the chance to influence the governments decision making.
Assessment of progress has to be done primarily in terms of whether freedoms that people have are enhanced.
The evaluative reason - Amartya Sen
Achievement of development is thoroughly dependent on the free agency of people.
The effivtiveness reason - Amartya Sen
The related emergence of productive capital and a working class - basic conditions of capitalist production are part of the process called
Primitive Accumulation
The tendency of capitalism to constantly revolutionise technology and methods of production and to accumulate capital on an even larger scale is known as the -
Acceleration of history.
The central thesis is that the state and its institutions are essentially the agents of the dominant class in capitalist society, the bourgeois. What theory is this?
The state and its coercive agencies act explicitly to further bourgeois interests over and against those of other classes, especially the Proletariat’s, in advancing capitalism.
What is a International Organisation?
Explain Marxist International Relations Theory.
What is Sovereignty?
What is Decolonisation?
Define communitarianism.
Modern nation states can be seen as Polyarchic, what is it?
A set of legal rules which provide individual people with civil and political rights, such as free speech which gives them status as a citizen.
What is dialect of control as defined by Giddens?
The belief that all people have openings that can be used to influence the activities of authorities that attempt to exercise domination over them.
What is economic individualism as described by Max Weber?
The freedom to buy and sell whatever one wanted in the market place.
Max Webers idea of personal autonomy and responsibility states:
Weber believed in individual people taking responsibility for their own actions. The state should not control the life of citizens.
Marx’s mode of production in capitalism, name the two parts.
The economic base and the superstructure.
Marxist mode of production.
The economic base consists of two parts:
The relations of production - this means class relation. The forces of production - made up of all the things in nature that we need to produce commodities.
Marx’s mode of production, what is the superstructure?
This is the realm of culture, politics and ideas the superstructure is determined in the last analysis by the economic base.
The majority may Substitute itself for the people, and exercise unfettered power in Democracy. What is this known as?
Higher unemployment, falling inflation, lower investment are often associated with
A recession occurs when
GDP falls for two successive quarters.