Terminology Flashcards
For some people film stars act as a role model, like we aspire to be
Some fans and spectators see themselves in certain stars. Perhaps in the way they look or the roles they play.
Stars attract this perhaps due to talent or looks or screen activities e.g charity commitment
Certain stars engender the sort of affection that elevate them to national treasures or of status.
Star is an ‘object of desire’
Alternative content
Non-feature film programming in cinemas such as love screening of events happening elsewhere
Box office
Total value of tickets for a film screened commercially at cinemas
Department for culture, media and sport. Responsible for setting UK film policy
Digital projection
The projection of film onto a cinema screen using a digital master and a digital projector, using electronic signals to direct light onto the screen tater than passing light through a celluloid strip
A person or company that acquires the right to exploit the commercial and creative values of a film in theatrical, video and television market
Domestic UK feature
A film made by a UK production company, produced wholly or partly in the Uk
A cinema operator that rents a film from a distributor to show a cinema audience
A style or category of film defined on the basis of common story and cinematic conventions
Independent film
A film produced without creative or financial input from major US studio companies.
Mainstream programming
Category of films aimed at the general audience
Multiplex site
Defined by Dodoma research as a purpose-built cinema with fine or more screens