Terminology Flashcards
Stories are waiting m-what type of sound is footsteps’ ‘pigeons scatter’
Digetic sound- sound where the origin is seen or implied
They are echoed on screen in the images
A word or expression characterised in American English e.g sucker
Non diegetic sound
Sound that is added- ie music
Repetition of a word right after each other e.g never never never
Declarative sentence
A statement
Lexical form to a geographical region eg sidewalk
Harsh mix of sounds
A politer way of saying something eg she’s passed away instead of she’s dead
Exclamative sentence
Explanation mark to emphasis
Repetition of a word or phrase at the start of a clause
False start
- Speaker returns to the start of a phrase to rephrase it
Words without purpose to fill in the gaps or stall
Vague language to show uncertainty eg very or a bit
High frequency lexis
Words that appear often In every day speech or often in speakers language
Fricative alliteration
Alliteration of f or v sounds
Expression that holds a different meaning to its literal
Eg beating round the bush
Speaker raises a question then immediately answers it after
A word that emphasis another eg highly very really
A style of rhetoric associated with the popular media- often hyperbolic
Humans given animal qualities
Used instead of sentences in spoken
Trying to speak to fit into society
Superlative adjectives
Describing an object at the upper and lowest of its quality eg tallest smallest highest
Comparative adjectives
Used to compare the differences between objects eg larger smaller faster higher
Adjective or phrase describing a quality or attribute regarded as a characteristic of the person eg old people are very dirty
Abbreviated version of a word eg restos shorted for restaurants
Proper noun
Name for a specific place person or thing-capitalised
Abstract noun
Something that is non physical you can not deprive it with your senses eg sadness adulthood government
Concrete noun
Physical thing person or place that can be perceived with senses eg pencil dog
Diegetic sound
Sound that’s already in the video
Anecdotal humor
Personal stories that may be true or partly true but embellished
Blue humor
Sexual situations or coarse jokes or drugs alcohol- unsubtle
Dark humour
Depressing- death
Dry humor
Impassive expressionless
Epigrammatic humor
Witty humour eg too many people run out of ideas long before they run out of words
High/highbrow humour
Humour pertaining to cultured and sophisticated themes
Hyperbolic humour
Comic presentation - exaggeration and outsized characterisation
Ironic humour
Meaning is opposite to the literal meaning
Juvenile humour
Humour involving childish themes such as pranks name calling or immature behaviour
Parodic humour
Comic imitation often intended to ridicule an author or artist or genre
Satirical humor
Mocks human weakness or aspects of society
Self deprecating humour
Targets themselves for comic effect
Minimal responses to show engagement ie oh yeah hmmm yeah
Sudden change from an important subject to a ridiculous one
Anticlimax- disappointing ending
Coming of age
Asynchronous communication
Interactions online where pps responses are sent as and when they are able to reply rather than instantly
Written in an order
Endophoric storytelling
Telling a story at the same place it happened
Epistemic modal verbs
Modal verbs that show possibility eg could may
Exophoric story telling
Recounting a story at a different location it took place
Release of emotions through an activity
Expression of a single idea through 2 words connected with and
Holographic puns
Words that have more then one meaning but spell the same
Homophonic puns
Puns based on words that sound the same but are spelt different
Modifying adjective
Add adds detail to the head noun in noun phrase
Paralinguistic features
Vocal signals behind basic verbal message eg laughter pitch speed of speech
Pictograms or symbols to designate a word eg emojis
Sensory language
Senses of appeal to reader and evoke mood
Syndetic listing
A list joined by conjunction eg and or
Asyndetic listing
Listing without and so commas
Containing more then one syllable
Positive face
An individual’s desire to be liked and admired- self esteem
Positive politeness theory
Appealing to someone’s positive face- making some one feel good
Negative face
Individual protects their personal rights and freedom
Negative politeness
Making sure someone feels as if they’re nor being used appealing to someone’s negative face
Positive face threatening act
Does not care about someone’s positive face
Such as interruptions expressions of violent topics emotional topics ridiculing
Negative face threatening act
Orders, demands, takes away someone’s freedom,feels imposed upon
We may feel offended
Maxim quality
where one tries to be truthful, and does not give information that is false or that is not supported by evidence.
Maxim quantity
one tries to be as informative as one possibly can, and gives as much information as is needed, and no more
Maxim relation
where one tries to be relevant, and says things that are pertinent to the discussion
Maxim manner
when one tries to be as clear, as brief, and as orderly as one can in what one says, and where one avoids obscurity and ambiguity.
What do you say when someone isn’t showing a maxim
They flout it
Low frequency lexis
Formal words not used every day