Terminology Flashcards
A.L.T.A. Title Policy
A type of title insurance policy issued by title insurance companies which expands the risks normally insured against under the standard type policy. (Cover Boundary Disputes)
Abatement of Nuisance
Extinction or termination of a nuisance.
Abstract of Judgment
A condensation of the essential provisions of a court Judgment.
Abstract of Title
A summary or digest of the conveyances, transfers and any other facts relied on as evidence of title, together with any other elements of record which may impair the title.
A method of valuing land. The indicated value of the improvement is deducted from the sale price.
Accelerated Cost Recovery System
The system for figuring depreciation (Cost recovery) for depreciable real property acquired and placed into service after January 1, 1981. (ACRS).
Accelerated Depreciation
A method of cost write-off in which depreciation allowances are greater in the first few years of ownership than in subsequent years. This permits an earlier recovery of capital and a faster tax write-off of an asset.
Acceleration Clause
Clause in trust deed or mortgage giving lender right to call all sums owing him to be immediately due and payable upon the happening of a certain event.
When the seller or agent’s principal agrees to the terms of the agreement of sale and approves the negotiation on the part of the agent and acknowledges receipt of the deposit in subscribing to the agreement of sale, that act is termed an acceptance.
Access Right
The right of an owner to have ingress and egress to and from his property.
An addition to property through the efforts of man or by natural forces.
An addition to land from natural causes as, for example, from gradual action of the ocean or river waters.
Accrued Items of Expense
Those incurred expenses which are not yet payable. The seller’s accrued expenses are credited to the purchaser in a closing statement.
Accrued Depreciation
The difference between the cost of replacement new as of the date of the appraisal and the present appraised value.
A formal declaration before a duly authorized officer by a person who has executed an instrument that such execution is his act and deed.
Acoustical Tile
Blocks of fiber, mineral or metal, with small holes or rough-textured surface to absorb sound, used as covering for interior walls and ceilings.
The act or process by which a person procures property.
A measure of land equaling 160 square rods, or 4,840 square yards, or 43,560 square feet, or a tract about 208.71 feet square.
Actual Authority
That authority an agent has or believes that he or she has because of an intentional, unintentional or careless act of a principal.
Actual Fraud
An act intended to deceive another, e.g., making a false statement, making a promise without intending to perform it, suppressing the truth.
A male person appointed by the probate court to administer the estate of a person deceased.
AD Valorem
A Latin phrase meaning “according to value.” Usually used in connection with real estate taxation.