Terminology Flashcards
imitation of the style and manner of a particular writer or school of writers
Low angle
A shot from a camera angle positioned low on the vertical axis, anywhere below the eye line, looking up
to prepare (motion-picture film, video, or magnetic tape) by deleting, arranging, and splicing, by synchronizing the sound record with the film, etc
High angle
A cinematic technique where the camera looks down on the subject from a high angle and the point of focus often gets swallowed up.
Special words, phrases or expressions used by professionals in a given group or field that are difficult for others to understand.
Celebrity Endorsement
In an advert the model used is a great figure for example, the first lady, a famous actor or singer.
Birds eye view
Camera angle from above (i.e: view provided by a map)
The manner by which film or photography is presented, especially relating to the placement of the subject in relation to other objects.
Main image
Large image to attract the audience which can promote content or theme of the magazine.
Rule of thirds
Spaces where the lines of the 3 x 3 grid intersect
Social media icons
icons that have a hyperlink to the organization’s stream or other pages on the platform
Content (photography)
The subject, topic, or information in the image.
Abstract (photography)
An image emphasising formal elements such as line and shape rather than particular, recognizable objects.
The examination of one’s own emotional and mental processes.
Reverse shot
Fast cut between two individuals having a conversation
Ideas that are connoted at via an image (i.e: apple can be seen as sin, food, or technology)
An adjective to describe a writer’s mood/theme
The technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of a film to form a continuous whole and to demonstrate associated ideas.
Writer hints through the text that something is bound to happen
An exaggerated depiction of a character, often amplifying physical features.
Splash panel
a kind of panel that spans the width of the page. If it runs off the page entirely, it is known as a ‘bleed’.
An aspect of voice which helps to see a topic from an original and fun perspective.
Story that shows a hidden meaning
A short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.
Theme (Website)
A sentence or phrase containing words with the same starting letters e.g. “people play”
Punch line
The final phrase or sentence of a joke/story, providing the humour or an alternative crucial element.
A sentence or phrase containing words with the same starting letters e.g. “people play”
An idea that is emphasised and repeated throughout a story/book/ad/etc.
Customised experience for visits (often seen on webpages)
Customised experience for visits (often seen on webpages)
Answering a question and then answering it
Denotes harsh, jarring sound
Denotes pleasant, harmonious sound