An injury caused by rubbing or scraping that results in the loss of the superficial layer of skin or epidermis and or dermis and may involve the mucous membrane
When pressure is applied to a reddened area (inflammation) the area under the pressure becomes white
Shrinking is size. In wound healing, contraction occurs around the edges of the wound causing the wound size to become smaller. It is important to measure wounds to identify change over time; healing or deterioration.
The removal of devitalized or dead tissue and foreign material from the wound bed. A wound should be clear of dead or devitalized tissue to support healing and reduce the risk of infection. There are many ways to debride.
Opening of a wound
A redness or purple color of a leg when it is in the dependent or lowered position. If the leg blanches on elevation it may be a sign of lower leg ischemia
Dependent Rubor
The process of epithelial cell formation and migration from the wound edges ( including hair follicles) that close over the wound
Redness of the skin. Caused by vasodilatation related to inflammation, infection or injury
Necrotic tissue that forms a black thickened covering over wounds
Fluid that comes from wounds.
An abnormal duct or passage resulting from injury, disease, or a congenital disorder that connects an abscess, cavity, or hollow organ to the body surface or to another hollow organ.
Tissue tissue that bleeds easily. Then this occurs in a chronic wound, infection should be suspected.
Tissue that forms in the wound base which fills in wounds with scar tissue as healing with
Granulation Tissue
The tissue is red or pink and has a lumpy appearance like small grapes. This tissue is necessary to fill in wounds so that they can heal
Secondary Intention
the thickening of the skin such as callus formation
A process where the skin becomes firm, often surrounds a wound as a healing ridge or can be a sign of building bioburde
a wound that is produced by the tearing or slashing of the skin or injury by an object that causes a tear in the skin
A softening and whitish look to the intact skin around wounds caused by excessive moisture. Often occurs when exudate is not well managed by dressings
dead tissue that usually presents as black or brown and is hard or leathery in texture
Necrotic Tissue
when referring to a dressing, it closes the wound from the external environment
(peri-wound) the tissue that surrounds the wound
a device or surface designed to reduce pressure over an are
Pressure Reduction
A device or surface designed to provide pressure relief over an area
Pressure Relief
A collection of wound fluid to gather a specimen from a single point in a wound to be assessed for type and amount of bacteria in the wound. Cleanse the wound prior to obtaining culture. Cultures should be taken before antibiotics are prescribed, if possible
Qualitative Wound Culture
Red or purple color often accompanies by swelling, head and pain
Bloody fluid from wounds
when pertaining to wound care dressings, it is a property where certain type of molecules are allowed to pass through a membrane while other types of molecules are not. For example oxygen molecules may be allowed to pass but bacteria are not.
Fluid containing serum and blood from wounds
clear fluid from wounds
Loss of the epidermis from removal adhesives in dressings or tapes
Skin Stripping
tissue usually yellow in color and can be stringy in appearance. Can be a source for bacteria and should be removed. Autolytic debridement is often the chosen approach to remove the necrotic tissue. Should not be mistaken for fibrin
Slough Dead
refers to wound drainage that becomes visible on the outside of dressings
a specimen collection of fluid (wound) to determine number and type of bacteria present. A wound should be cleansed prior to a swab being taken and granulation tissue should be swabbed if possible
Swab Culture
a passageway of varying length through a solid body, completely enclosed except for the open ends, permitting entrance and exit.
a break in the skin or mucous membrane with the loss of surface tissue