Terminology Flashcards
language about language.
a segment of speech.
the background of a text.
discourse event.
an act of communication happening in a specific time and location.
text producer.
the person/people responsible for creating the text.
text receiver.
the person/people interpreting the text.
multi-purpose text.
text that has more than one purpose.
primary purpose.
the main purpose.
secondary purpose.
an additional purpose.
context, genre, audience, purpose.
shared knowledge.
word/phrase that reminds you of something.
mental representation of smth created thru previous experiences.
personal anecdote.
writer talking about their own life.
how smth is expressed.
the use of two types of texts.
examiner’s response to encourage someone to say more.
words that are context-bound where meaning depends on who is being referred to/where smth is happening/when it’s happening.
paralinguistic features.
body language.
cultural hegemony.
the persuasive and excessive influence of one culture throughout society.
implied reader.
constructed image of an idealised reader.
actual reader.
anybody who ends up reading the text.
implied writer.
constructed image of the idealised writer.
actual writer.
the real person/people who produced the text.
discourse community.
group of people with shared interests and belief systems to respond to texts in similar ways.
physical channel of communication; ie. speech or writing.
oppositional view.
method of defining the difference between modes by arguing that they have completely different features.
sequence in which elements next to each other are subtly different but those at opposite ends are very different.
text that contains conventional elements of both speech and writing.
proto-type model.
model of looking at differences within a category or mode by thinking about typical and less typical examples.
a method of grouping texts based on expected shared conventions.
process where texts reference to other conventions of texts for a specific reason or effect.