Terminology Flashcards
Define human rights
Human rights are rights we have simply because we exist as human beings. They are universal, inalienable, indivisible and interdependent.
Define covenant
A covenant is an international binding agreement between states. Synonymous with convention and treaty.
Define state
A state is a country. It must have a government and geographically defined borders.
Which term describes the power of a state to govern itself?
State sovereignty
What is the difference between signing, ratification and accession to a treaty?
Signing a treaty is when a state signs the treaty at the time it is created and indicates its intention to follow the treaty. Ratification is when a state indicates its intention to introduce domestic laws that enforce the terms of the treaty, making it binding, but there is often a long time between ratification and domestic legislation being passed. Accession is when a state signs a treaty after the original time of signing.
What is the difference between a bilateral and multilateral convention?
A bilateral convention is between two states. A multilateral convention is between three or more states.
What are reservations?
Reservations are terms of a convention that a state indicates they will not be bound to when they sign a convention.
What is the term describing a formal inquiry established by the Governor General?
Royal Commission
Give two examples of a Royal Commission?
E.g. Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory
+ more
Describe a bill of rights?
A bill of rights is a document that outlines which fundamental rights the citizens of a country is entitled to. They cannot be changed easily and other laws cannot interfere with them.
Differentiate between express and implied rights.
Express Rights: Rights that are written into the Constitution
Implied Rights: Rights that are implied from other parts of the Constitution. Only High Court decisions can determine whether a right is implied.
What does it mean for a human right to be inalienable?
Inalienable means that it cannot be separated from the person - meaning that human rights cannot be taken away.
What does it mean for a human right to be universal?
Universal means that everyone has human rights, regardless of nationality, sex, ethnicity, etc.
What does it mean for human rights to be interdependent?
The enjoyment or fulfilment of rights is reliant on the expression of other rights.
What does it mean for human rights to be indivisible?
All rights are equal in value