Terminologies Flashcards
Investigation of cause of death
- A document given to witness to attend the court under 61-69 CRPC
- If doesn’t attend, punishable under 174 IPC
- 6 months imprisonment/less than 2 years or fine of ₹1000
- Definition of oath by 51 IPC
- Hippocratic oath is taken
- Name of god not taken by atheist & expert witness
- If doesn’t take oath, punishable under 178 IPC
- No oath required for age<12
Ad testificandum
Common witness
Duces tecum
Expert witness
Irresistible impulse test
Free agency of will is lost due to mental disease
- Definition of perjury under 191 IPC
- It is false evidence after giving oath
- Punished under 193 IPC
- Upto 7 years
Corroborative evidence
If a person survives after giving dying declaration, the person will have to give oral evidence in the court
157 IEA
A person who files a case
Method of decapitation
Actus Rea
Criminal act
Fear of open spaces
McNaughten’s rule
- Defect of reasoning due to mental disease
* Aka legal test/right or wrong test
Abortion stick
Causes vaginal irritation.
Length of 12 - 18 cm
Plants used - Plumbago, Ergot, Calotropis, Oleander(Nerium odorum), Lead, Aconite, Abrus precartorius, Arsenic, Strychnine.
American Law institute test
If adequate capacity to appreciate the criminality of the conduct is lost
Fear of height
Brawner’s rule
Substantial capacity to appreciate the wrongfulness of the conduct is lost
Curren’s rule
Capacity to conduct is lost
Lucid interval
Phase of sanity between 2 periods of insanity
Testamentary capacity
Mental capacity to make valid will
Fear of darkness
Fear of dirt
Advance directive
An individual with a known psychiatric illness or on treatment can choose to decide the caretaker and the course of treatment according to recently amended mental health act
Carunculae myrtiformis
Healed tag of hymen
Fear of closed spaces
Impulse disorder
Steals articles
Durham’s rule
Aka product test
Aptae viris
Sola pith is introduced into vagina for rendering very young girls for sex
Not able to perform sex
Not able to start/maintain sexual arousal in female
Seen in males.
Person is impotent for particular female.
MCC is psychogenic
Not able to produce children.
Not a ground for divorce.
Posthumous child
Child born after the death of the father
Supposititious/Fictitious child
Pregnancy claimed by non pregnant woman for the purpose of blackmail
Conception occurs even when semen is deposited on thigh or vulva
2 ova fertilised in 2 menstrual cycles by 2 acts of coitus
2 ova fertilised in 1 menstrual cycle by 2 acts of coitus
Psudocyesis/Spurious pregnancy
Not pregnant but subjective symptoms of pregnancy present
Substances that induce abortion:
- Ecbolics - Ergot, Quinine, Strychnine, Oestrogen
- Emmenagogues - Borax, Oestrogen, Sanguinarine, Senecia
Lead product used as an abortifacient
Utus paste
Aka interruptin.
Combination of Potassium Iodide and Iodine
Mother and son
Father and daughter
Sister and brother
Honeymoon impotence
Fear of sexual intercourse due to stress or other reasons
Compos menti
Sound mind
Fear of water
Cognizable offence
Arrest without warrant
Holographic will
Will in own handwriting
Res Gestae
- Under 6 IEA
- Acts/involuntary exclamations made at the time of offence and are so closely connected to the main fact(heat of moment)
Mens Rea
Criminal intention