Terminolgy Flashcards
Dramatic monologue
Lyric poem that takes the form of an utterance by a single person addressing a silent listener. May be an historical personage or an entirely imagined figure
Comedy of manners
Type of comic play that flourished in the 17th century in London
Bases it’s him on the sexual and marital intrigues of high society.
Satire directed at the social habits as conventional hypocrisy of the class
Draws attention to a gap between what is said and what is meant.
Dramatic irony
Gap between what is said and what is meant is sustained throughout an entire piece as when an author makes use of an unreliable narrator
Arousal through the performance of a dramatic tragedy of emotion of pity and fear to point where a purification occurs and the feelings are released
Closed poetic Quatrain rhyming abab in which iambic tetremeter alternate with iambic
Kind of metonymy in which a writer substitute the name of a part of something to signify the whole
For example sail for ship or hand for a member of the ships crew
Pause or break in a line of verse occurring where a phrase clause or sentence ends and indicated in scansion by the mark ||
Running on of the sense from one line of poetry to the next with no pause created by punctuation or syntax
Italian sonnet
Octave rhyming abbaabba and sestet rhyming cdecde or cdcdcd
Usually a turn in argument takes place between octave and sestet
Shakespearean sonnet
Had three quatrains and a couplet. Rhyme internally but do not lock. The turn may occur after the second quatrain but usually in the couplet.
Unrealiable narrator
Narrator whose reporting or understanding of events invited questioning from the reading. May have some reason to misrepresent events
A poem usually short expressing an individual speakers feelings or private thoughts. Can include sonnet elegy and ode. Often has musicality of rhyme and rhythm
Figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction
Repetition of words at the beginning of successive phrases clauses or lines to create a sonic effect
Iambic pentameter
Line of verse with five metrical feet each consisting of one short or unstressed syllable followed by one long stressed syllable
Meta theatre
Quality or force in a play which challenges theaters claim to be simply realistic to be nothing but a mirror in which we view the actions and suffering of characters like ourselves
Metrical foot consisting of one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables
Slant rhymes
Rhyme in which either the vowel or the consonants of stressed syllables are identical
Eyes light years yours
Persons name that is regarded as amusingly appropriate to their occasion
Nominative determinism
Theory that a persons name can have a significant role in determined key aspects of a job profession or character
Moment in a play when a character makes a critical discovery
Narrative poem
Tells a story often making use of the voices of the narrator and character as well
Occasional poem
Composed for a particular occasion
Alienation effect
Whereby the audience remains objective and does not identify with the actors
Representation based on the accurate depiction of detail