Termination of Easements Flashcards
2 Ways to expressly terminate an easements
- The instrument creating the easement may expressly provide for its termination
- The holder of the dominant parcel may release the easement in a separate written document
What if the instrument creating the easement is silent on termination?
The easement will last in perpetuity unless one of the other grounds for termination arises
Termination of Easements through lack of notice
This is an operation of law.
Easement may terminate when the servient parcel is transferred to a purchaser who takes w/o notice of the easement
(applies to the owner of the burdened parcel)
Actual Notice
Where one who is personally aware of a conflicting interest in real property, often due to another possession of the property
Record Notice
Type of constructive notice
notice one has based on properly recorded instrument
Inquiry Notice
Type of constructive notice
Based on facts that would cause a reasonable person to make inquiry into the possible existence of an interest in real property
Termination of Easements by Merger
A landowner cannot have an easement over her own land.
When the servient and dominant parcel come into the same ownership the easement is terminated
What is a Quasi-Easement?
Where an owner uses one portion or parcel of her land to benefit another portion or parcel
Termination of Easements through Prescription
Can be terminated this way no matter how they were created
Termination of Easements through Estoppel
- The easement holder have, in essence, promised not to enforce or further claim the right to use the easement
- The servient owner have reasonably relied on that promise and
- The servient owner have acted to his detriment on that promise
** look at the behavior of the servient landowner*** (the one who is burdened by the easement)
Termination Through Abandonment
- Focus on the behavir of th dominant landowner of the holder of the benefit of the easement in gross
This occurs when the dominant landowner by physical conduct manifests an intention never to use the easement again
** the focus is on his acts and not his words
must do something completely inconsistent with any further claim to the easement
What are the ways to terminate an easement?
1. Express A. Instrument provided for term B. Release 2. Lack of notice 3. Merger 4. Prescription 5. Estoppel 6. Abandonment 7. Cessation of purpose