Termination by Offeree Flashcards
Express Rejection
Statement by offeree that she does not intent to accept offer
Made by offeree to offeror that contains same subject matter as original offer but differs in its terms
Rejection + new offer
Ex: not at that price, but I’ll take it at $200
Ex: i’ll take it at that price, but only if it is also equipped with air conditioning - conditional acceptance
Mere Inquiry
Inquiry will not terminate the offer when it is consistent with he idea that the offeree is still keeping the original proposal under consideration
Whether a reasonable person would believe that the original offer had been rejected
Ex: would you consider lowering your price by $5,000?
Effectiveness of Rejection
Rejection is effective when received by offeror
Revival of Offer
If an offer is rejected, the offeror may restate the same offer and create a new power of acceptance
Rejection of Option
Rejection or counteroffer to an option does not constitute a termination of the offer
Offeree is still free to accept the original offer within the option period unless the offeror has detrimentally relied on the offeree’s rejection
Must Accept within Specified or Reasonable Time
If offeree doesn’t accept offer within time period specified or reasonable time, she will have allowed the offer to terminate
Offer Is Received by Offeree
If offer expires within a particular time period, the period commences when the offer is received by the offeree
If offer is delayed in transmission and this fact is or should have been apparent to the offeree, the offer terminates at the time wit would have expired had there been no delay