Terminal Interface - Commands Flashcards
What is an Interface?
A system that is used for operating a computer: a system that controls the way information is shown to a computer user and the way the user is able to work with the computer.
Define the following example: ubuntu@chopin:~$~
(curent user)@(hostname):current_directory$
What is the anatomy of a command?
[command] [arguments…]
What kind of argument are -c, -z, -f and –format
These are special arguments known as flags. (-) flags are abbreviated flags whereas (–format) are full word flags.
Abbreviated flags can be combined so the above argument could be -czf
What does the Tilde key represent: ~
The tilde represents the home directory
What does the CD command do?
Change Directory.
What does LS command do?
List files and directories in current directory.
-a = ALL
What does PWD command mean?
Display the path of the current directory. (PRESENT WORKING DIRECTORY)
What does the Touch command do?
Create a file.
What does the RM command do?
Remove a file or directory PERMANENTLY.
Use rm to remove a file
use rm -r to remove a directory
What does the MV command do?
Move or rename a file or directory.
mv example.txt tmp/
The / after tmp helps distinguish it as a directory instead of a regular file name
What does the Echo command do?
Print text to STDOUT.
What does the Cat command do?
Displays content of a file.
What does the More command do?
Displays contents of a file, starting at the top and letting the user scroll down.
What does the Less command do?
Display contents of a file in an even more interactive way.
What does the Head command do?
Display the first part of a file.
What does the Tail command do?
Display the last part of a file.
What does the Man command do?
Display documentation about a command.
What does the follow command do?
$ cd /
Changes to the “Root” Directory. The / directory is the top-level directory on Unix/Linex/Mac operating systems.
(not someplace you generally want to go for day to day usage)
How do you specify current working directory?
mv tmp/example1.txt ./example1.txt
What are some of the symbols that help us navigate the command line?