Term Two Flashcards
What is a time - series?
It is an ordered sequence of data where the order refers to increase dates denoted by time t.
What are basic concepts of time series which are important?
Stationarity, autocorrelation, multivariate
They are used to forecast and analyse policy.
What are the sylized facts of economic time series?
1) most series contain some form of trend.
2) Some series seem to meander, they have what is known as a random walk. They have a stochastic element.
3) Shocks to a series will display persistence, it takes a long amount of time to subside effects.
4) The volatility of some series will change over a time period.
5) Some series will share a co-movement with another series.
What is the concept of persistence of a time series?
What it means if; if there is a small shock to your data, it will take a very long time for the effects of the shock to die out.
In time-series, the stochastic process is an ordered sequence of random shocks to the data.
How can you detect for persistence?
By using an autocorrelation plot.
An autocorrelation plot is a histogram which shows the value of autocorrelation Rho h.
Between one data point and a data point lagged h periods previous.
The data reading shows the autocorrelation between one data point and another lagged one previous period.
e.g; if it is 0.035 it the correlation between Y and Yt-1 is 3.5%.
The longer high autocorrelation lasts for, the more persistent the data set is.
How do you work out the standard error of autocorrelation rho h values?
And therefore test if rho h = 0
SE = square root of (1/T)
Where T is the value of the number of observations in the data.
We say that the time series is purely random then the auto correlation coefficients are rho h = 0.
From this you can do a standard confidence interval.
If rho h = 0 is within the interval, we do not reject the hypothesis that the autocorrelation could be rho h = 0
what are the formulas for Q stat and LB stat ?
Q = T sum of Rho h^2 from m to h=1
Where m is the length of the lag and T is the number of observations in the data.
LB stat = T(T+2) sum of (Ph^2 / T-h) between m and h =1
they test the joint hypothesis that all rho h up to a certain lag are simultaneously equal to zero.
Use the CHISQ tables to get values
Degrees of freedom is the number of rhos that you sqaure.
What is a stochastic process?
It is an ordered sequence of random variables.
What is a partial realization of a stochastic process.
It is a small section of a larger process.
Define a stationary stochastic process.
It is said to be stationary if the mean and the varience of the process are constant over time.
(do not depend on t)
The covarience between the two time periods is dependent on only the distance of the time gap, not the actual value of the time.
Why do we need the autocorrelation to be independent of time?
because this will show that the part of the series we are analysing is not too dependent on the past.
This allows is to infer things about the whole series that is observed.
We say that autocovarience and auto correlation are not a function of time.
What will the autocorrelation correlelogram show for a stationary time series?
The histograms and values will be low. They will be much higher for a non-stationary time series.
Can a stationary time series have any persistence?
It can have some short term persistence which will die out within the time of a few lags.
Define a time series process.
It is a finite realization of a random process in discrete time periods.
Collection of random variables which are indexed by t.
What is autocovarience?
it is a measure of the link between observations at different points in time.
What is a white noise process?
it is the most simple stationary stochastic model within econometrics.
it has mean 0 and constant varience.
Homoscedastic random variables.
Stationarity holds when there is a constant difference between the Xt and Yt variables.
the mean of the two is constant level apart for whole series.
Does not depend on t.
The variance of both xt and yt is also constant through time.
What is an autoregressive process?
Is a process that acts under the premise that past values will have an effect on current values.
AR(1) is a first order. The current value is based on the value from the previous period.
AR(2) is a second order. The current value is based on the values of the previous two periods.
When you have Co as 0 what can you use recursive substitution to do?
You can sub in previous periods until you get;
Yt = B1^hEt-h +B1Et-1 +et
It will be stationary if when
B1^h approaches 0, h approaches infinity.
What do we know about the value of B in AR(1) processes?
We know that if;
Explain the thinking behind the lag operator.
It will transform one time series to another by lagging it by one period in time.
Lyt= yt-1
L^nYt = Yt-n
it only works on variables which contain a constant.
L^0 = 1
Derive the mean of an AR(1) process.
You do it with Yt=B1Yt-1 + Et
B1 can be used to get to yt with a lag and factor out the lag
MEw= E(et)/E(1-b1)
What is gamma 0 denotes its?
Variance. (most particularly the variance of an AR(1) process).
What is meant by the expected value of a sequence?
The expected value of a sequence effectively means the long-run average value of that particular variable.
Write out the derivation of;
- mean
- variance
- covarience
- autocorrelation
of the process.
Yt = Co + B1Yt-1 +et.
Yt-h for covarience and autocorrelation.
Seminar 2 answers in folder.
What is the stationarity condition for an AR(2) process?
What does ADL model mean or ardl?
Autoregressive model with a distributed lag variable.
What statistics do we calculate in order to select the best fitting model for the data?
Akaike (AIC)
and Schwarz for each model.
The model with the lowest AIC and Schwarz is selected as the one which is the best fitting.
How do you calculate the AIC and Schwarz information?
C= The sum of squared -2( residuals (RSS)_ + penalty term c(k,t)
function of K,T.
The penalty term differs for AIC and Schwarz.
AIC ( 2k)
Schwarz k log T
k = no.of parametres and T is the number of observations in the data
How can you forecast an AR(1) process one step ahead?
Then two
Then three
Yt+1 (hat) = F(Yt+1 | It) +F(et+1 | It)
Where It is all of the information that you have available to you at the time t.
Forecasting the error term in the future will always be zero because there is no way to predict what will occur in the future.
Two and three step ahead are effectively the same process.
Yt+2 = B1^2Yt
Yt+3 = B1^3Yt
So H steps ahead;
Yt+h =B1^hYt
B1^h - 0 h - infinity
If there is a Co not dependent on time, subtract it from the question and then add it back later.
What is the forecasting error?
It is a confidence interval which you will find the forecast to be between.
Yt+1 -Yt+1 hat = Et+1
Yt+h - Yt+h hat = et+h +B1et+h-1 +…+B1^h-1et+1
You then calculate the standard error, sigma squared and then square root that.
sigma sqaured e time sum of B1^(2j) between h-1 and J=0.
From these figures, you can construct a confidence interval.
Yt+h - c1-gamma/2 (sigma)
and then Y1+h + the above
C1-gamma/2 is the 100 percentage point of the standard normal distribution
What does VAR series stand for?
Vector Auto regressive Process.