Term Test 1 (Lec 1-8) Flashcards
study of the anatomy and organization of the CNS of animals
Radial Symmetry
the nervous system is a distributed network of cells (no brain)
Bilateral Symmetry
have segregated, defined nervous system
standard anatomical position
for humans, is standing with arms at side and palms facing forward (thumbs out)
3 Planes
frontal plane –> (coronal plane) separates the front from the back always anterior and posterior
sagittal plane –> parallel to the sagittal suture (longitudinal plane), Medial & Lateral
transverse plane –> (a cross-section) separates the head from the feet, Superior & Inferior
Anterior/Posterior (front/back)
→ “ante” - before, belly in humans
Medial/Lateral (inside/outside)
→ “medius” - middle, and “lateralis”, to the side
Superior/Inferior (top/bottom)
→ “superior” - above, head in humans
→ “inferior” - below, feet in human
Dorsal/Ventral aka superior/inferior (top/bottom)
→ “dorsal” - from Latin “dorsum”, back, thick dorsal fin
→ “ventral” - from Latin “venter”, belly
Rostral/Caudal aka anterior/posterior (front/back)
→ “rostral” - from Latin “rostrum”, beak or nose, sometimes referred to as cranial
→ “caudal” - from latin “cauda”, tail
What does the central nervous system consists of?
- brain and spinal cord
- white matter (myelinated cells)
- gray matter (cell bodies and dendrites)
Cells of the nervous system
- Convey info through electrical and chemical signals
- Oldest & longest cells
- Functional unit of behaviour
- Limited ability to be replaced
- Provide a support system for the neurons
- Variety of types & functions
- Presence is crucial for neurons
→ info only flows from in one direction (under normal conditions)
Parts that make up the Neuron
Dendrites –> short, branched processes, spines, the major site of reception
Cell body/soma –> metabolic center of the cell
Axon –> single, thin, cylindrical process, conduction of electrical signals and action potential propagation
Axon terminals –> branched end of axon in close proximity to dendrites of other neurons, neurotransmission
Types of Neurons
→ neurons are polarized, regardless of the type of neuron, signalling occurs in an organized, consistent manner
→ can be classified based on structure:
- (dendrites branch off axon); unipolar, pseudo-unipolar, bipolar
- (dendrites branch off cell body); multipolar
Remember Figure
either directly sensitive to various stimuli or receive direct connections from nonneuronal receptors ~20 million sensory fibres
end directly on muscles, glands or other neurons in PNS ganglia, maybe a few million fibres
all processes confined within a single small area of the CNS
Projection Neurons
long axons connecting different areas, such as the spinal cord & cerebrum
→ interneurons & projection neurons make up 99% of ALL our neurons
Visualization of Neurons: Golgi Staining
- Silver staining technique for use under light microscopy
- Potassium dichromate & silver nitrate
NeuN → marker of post-miotic neurons
MAP2 → microtubules
Neurofilament markers
Synaptophysin → synaptic vesicle protein (presynaptic)
PSD95 → postsynaptic marker
Visualization of Neurons; Immunohistochemistry
- Localization of proteins (antigen) using antibodies to specific proteins
–> NeuN, MAP2, synaptophysin, PSD95 specific for neurons
–> GFAP (Glial fibrillary acidic protein) for astrocytes
Visualization of Neurons: Neuron filling/tracers
- Via injection or axonal transport
Ex: biotin derivatives, GFP, lucifer yellow, Viruses (pseudo-rabies/herpes), etc. - Targeted filling of neurons of interest
- Take advantage of polarity & transport mechanisms within the cell
- Methods for loading; Microinjection, Whole-cell patch clamping, Electroporation
- Often used in combination with a technique like electrophysiology → inject tracer into neuron using the recording electrode
Types of Glial Cells
- “Glia” → greek for glue
- Function to support neurons
- Are not electrically excitable
5 major cell types:
PNS: Schwann cells, oligodendrocytes
CNS: astroglia, microglia, ependymal cells
Schwann Cells
- Principle glial cell of the PNS
- Metabolic support
- Wrap around individual axons to form myelin sheath (electrical insulation)
- PNS axon regeneration
- Unmyelinated PNS axons (small diameter) embedded in schwann cells → slower conductance
- Myelinating cells of the CNS
- Multiple processes allow one oligodendrocyte to surround multiple axons
- Last cell type to be developed from neural stem precursors
- Larger axons have thicker myelin and longer internodes
- Myelination occurs in the 3rd trimester, and continues into adolescence
- Most abundant glial cell in CNS (75%)
- Mechanical support of neurons
- Metabolic support (glycogen)
- Regulation of extracellular fluid (K+, neurotransmitters)
- Contact with CNS blood vessels
- Reactive astrocytes following injury/insult
Microglia (10-15%)
- Smallest glia cells
- Overall brain maintenance
- The major role in CNS is to respond to injury
- Healthy CNS → survey for damage/disease
- Activation by inflammation
–> Activated microglia non-phagocytic → begin retraction of processes, also thicken
–>Transformation to macrophage (phagocytic) → take on an ameboid shape, travel to site of injury - Ramified or resting microglia → long branching processes
Ependymal Cells
- Line the ventricle system of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord
- Ciliated to aid the movement of CSF
- Specialized ependyma produces CSF → choroid plexus
- Regenerative?
- ~30% of all brain & CNS tumours
- Astrocytomas, ependymomas, oligodendrogliomas
–> Glioblastoma (Grade IV) → 15% of brain tumours - signs/symptoms dependent on region(s) affected
–> Headache, vomiting, seizures, personality changes, cranial nerve disorders, vision loss, pain, weakness or numbness in extremities - Low survival rates and length
3 properties of Ion Channels
- Ion specific
- open/close in response to certain stimuli
- passive movement of ions down electrochemical gradients across membrane
Types of Ion channels
Ligand-gated –> open in response to binding of ligand (neurotransmitter)
Voltage-gated –> open & close in response to changes in membrane potential (voltage)
Mechanical/stretch gated
Resting Membrane Potential (RMP)
- A semipermeable membrane is electrically polarized
- RMP ranges from -70 to -90 mV
- Extracellular fluid is considered to be 0 mV
- Energy is stored in ionic concentration gradients
Ionic Equilibrium and Resting Membrane Potential (RMP)
All cells have ionic equilibria responsible for their RMP, but only nerve and muscle cells are “excitable”
How is RMP established?
- semi-permeable , selective membrane (for K+ and Cl-), impermeable to Na+
- K+ equilibrates based on electro-chemical gradient (Ek)
- RMP of most cells ~ -70mV
Na+/K+ ATPase (‘pump’)
- Active transport that hydrolyzes ATP to ADP
- 2 K+ into the cell, 3 Na+ out of cell
- Ion flow (current) during action potential disrupts ionic equilibria, therefore pump restores electronegativity
- Water follows sodium! During action potentials, cells swell → pump removes water by pumping out sodium
- Na+/K+ ATPase pump restores gradient (over long-term ONLY) → only required following sustained activity
- Concentration gradients are maintained by membrane proteins that pump ions
Action Potentials (AP)
- Rapid changes in membrane potential of axon
- Propagation begins at the axon of the hillock and continues over long distances, utilizing voltage-gated ion channels
–> 4 important properties: 1) threshold, 2) all-or-none event, 3) conduction without decay, 4) AP is followed by a refractory period
The Axon Hillock &Threshold
- Summation of excitatory (EPSPs) and inhibitory (IPSPs) postsynaptic potentials from presynaptic neurons
–> Temporal (over time)
–> Spatial (over space) - At the threshold voltage-gated Na+ channels open
- High concentration of voltage-gated (Vg) Na+ channels
- Once the threshold is met, Vg Na+ opens to begin AP
- ALL OR NONE → if the threshold is met, an AP will always fire
The Action Potential (Visual Graph)
Refactory Periods
Absolute refractory period:
- Cells cannot respond to further stimulation & the inactivation of Na+ channels
Relative refractory period:
- Cells can respond, but requires a greater-than-normal excitation
→ refractory periods ensure APs only generate/propagate in one direction
Action Potential Propagation
The Synapse
- The specialized junction that allows neurons to communicate w/ one another, as well as target organs
- Elements of the synapse: Presynaptic ending, synaptic cleft, postsynaptic element (distinguished by the presence of a swarm of NT-filled synaptic vesicles
- Types: chemical or electrical
Steps in Synaptic Transmission
- Production of neurotransmitters
- Packing of neurotransmitters
- Release of neurotransmitters
- Binding to receptors
- Termination of neurotransmitter action
Synthesis of Neurotransmitters (NTs)
- Main types: small amines, amino acid, or (neuro) peptides
- Small molecule NTs are synthesized in the axon terminal by enzymes
–> Ex. acetylcholine (choline acetyl-transferase; ChAT) - Peptide NTs are synthesized in the cell body and transported to the presynaptic endings
–> Often synthesized as a larger precursor peptide
–> Ex. corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF)
Packing of Neurotransmitters
- Most NTs are packaged into synaptic vesicles
–> Highly concentrated, protection from degradation
Small vesicles:
- 40nm in diameter
- Contain small molecular transmitters
- Located near the presynaptic membrane
Large vesicles:
- >100nm in diameter
- Contain neuropeptide transmitters & sometimes small molecule transmitter
Release of Neurotransmitters
- Ca2+ -mediated secretion
- Depolarization of presynaptic terminal opens voltage-gated Ca2+ channels
- Synaptic vesicles fuse with the membrane (exocytosis)
Binding to Receptors
Small vesicle NTs: diffuse rapidly across the synaptic cleft, rapid binding to the receptor
Large vesicles Nts: slower release, more distance receptors, overall slower response
- Effects of NTs are determined by the receptor(s) in the postsynaptic membrane
Responses can be:
- Fast or slow
- Excitatory (EPSP) or Inhibitory (IPSP) → depends on the channel (Na/K/Cl) activated
Rapid Synaptic Transmission
- Example: Acetylcholine at nicotinic receptors
- NT binds to a ligand-gated ion channel (ionotropic)
- Alters permeability of the postsynaptic membrane by opening or closing the channel
- The selectivity of the ion channel determines the postsynaptic effects
Slow Synaptic Transmission
- Example: Acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors
- NT binds to G-protein coupled receptor (metabotropic)
- The binding of NT causes the release of G-protein subunit which leads to altered concentrations of second messengers (prolonged effect)
- 2nd messenger binds to the ion channel to alter the permeability
Termination of Neurotransmitter Action
- NTs need to be removed quickly so that the postsynaptic membrane can prepare for subsequent release of NT
- Reuptake by the presynaptic membrane or neighbouring glial cells
–> Ex. serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine
- Enzymatic inactivation
–> Ex. acetylcholinesterase (AChE)
- Uptake by postsynaptic terminal
- Diffusion out of the synaptic cleft
The Electrical Synapse - “Gap Junctions”
- Electrically coupled to one another that allows the passage of ions and other small molecules
- Made up of numerous Connexons
- Direct spread of current from one neuron/cell to another
- No delay in transmitting electrical info
- Useful for neurons that need to fire synchronously (ie. respiration)
- No need to synthesize vesicles or NTs
- Loss of functional individuality – one cell’s depolarization results in ALL cells depolarization. Ie. loss of “control” (myocardium = heart)
Embryology - Germ Layers
Endoderm : gut, liver, lungs
Mesoderm: skeleton, muscle, kidney, heart
Ectoderm: skin & nervous system