Your aunt from Canada ask you what the weather is like for you. What question does she ask?
Quel temps-fait il?
Your friend is missing and the officer needs help describing her physical appearance. Identify three {3} things that you tell him.
Mon amie a…..
Your teacher asks you which activities you do when it’s raining. Name {3} activities that you do.
Quand il pleut, je reste a la maison, je fais la vassielle et je fais mes deviours.
Your friend wants to know the details of your town. Tell her that there is a market in center the of your town close to the mall on Thursdays.
Dans ma ville, il y a un marche a le centre de ma ville pres de le centre commerical le jeudi
How do you say “I do the laundry” in French?
Je fais la lessive
How do you say “I play football” in French?
Je joue au foot
How do you say “I read a book” in French?
Je lis un livre
How do you say “I play the guitar” in French?
Je joue de la guitar
How do you say “I do the household chores” in French?
Je fais les taches menageres
How do you say “I do the dishes” in French?
Je fais la vaisselle
You are in class and it is cold, what do you say to express this?
Il fait froid
It is raining outside and you do not have an umbrella, what do you say to express that it is raining?
Il pleut
You are running in the savannah in the morning and it is hot out, what do you say to describe the heat?
Il fait chaud
You travel to Canada and see there is snow, how do you say “it is snowing” in French?
Il neige
You are playing basketball with your friends and compliment how good the weather is. How do you express this compliment?
Il fait beau
At school you are wearing the incorrect uniform of a pair of shorts, a cap and a shirt. How do you say these {3} items in French?
Un short, une casquette et une chemise.
Your correct unifrom is a skirt, shoes, socks, a tie and shirt. Express these descriptions in French.
Une jupe, des chaussures, des chaussettes, une cravate et une chemise.
Which form of this conjugation is correct?:
Elles (exister)
A- existent
A- existent
Elles existent
Which form of the conjugation is correct?:
Vous (etre)
Vous etes
What form of this conjugation is correct?:
Tu (celebrer)
Tu celebre