Term 4 Exam Flashcards
What is absolute advantage?
What is comparative advantage?
What is specialisation?
What is efficiency?
What are the costs of globalization?
What are the benefits of globalization?
What is trade liberalisation? Provide example
How does factor endowment contribute to globilization?
What is the law of one price? Provide an example (50 words)
What are the factors contributing to globilization?
What are the factors contributing to the growth of multinational companies?
What would cause the decline of the AUD?
What is the impact of appreciation of the AUD on exports and imports?
What is the impact of depreciation on the AUD on exports and imports?
What are tariffs? How do they protect local producer? Do tariffs increase or decrease with globalization?
Explain the role of the World Trade in promoting globalization.
Explain the role of the World Bank in promoting globalization.
Explain the role of the International Monetary Fund in promoting globalization.
What are the benefits of the floating exchange rate?
What are the costs of the floating exchange rate?
How does a strong and sustainable economic growth impact a country?
How has Australia’s trade patterns changed over the last 10 years?
What is free trade?
What is a multinationa corporation?
What is trade intensity?
What is competitive advantage?
What is trade balance?