Term 3 Flashcards
Fair Go
Pursue and protect the common goodwhere all people are treated fairly for a just society
Care and Compassion
Care for self and others.
Doing your best
Seek to acomplish something worthy and admirable
Enjoy the rights and privalges of Australian citizenship
Honesty and Trustworthiness
Be honest, sincere and seek the truth
Act in accordance with principles of morals and ethical conduct, ensure consistency between words and deeds
Treat others with consideration and regard, respect another person’s point of view
Be accontable for one’s own actions, resolve diffrences in constructive, non-violent and peacful ways, contribute to society and civic life, take care of the environment
Understanding, tolerance anmd inclusion
Be aware of others and their cultures, accept diversity within a democratic society, being included and including others.
Christian Descion Makings
Golden Rule
10 commandments
Church Teachings
What is a mission statement
A goal or vision of an organisation
Good stewardship rather than a focus on material possessions
Covet – how often is this mentioned in the 10 Commandments? What is another word for this?
Another word: Desire
Mentioned twice
What type of Morality does the Catholic Church
Absolute Morality
Infatuation is similar to
A crush