Term 1, Test 1 - (Mapping) Flashcards
What features do political maps show?
- Countries
- Boarders
- States
- Capital cities
What features do physical maps show?
- Mountains
- Plains
- Rivers
- Lakes
- Seas
- Oceans
What features do topographic maps show?
- Biophysical features
- Height above sea level
- Relief & slope of land
- Drainage patterns
- Vegetation
- Settlements
What features do weather maps show?
- Air pressure
- Temp.
- Wind direction and strength
What type of map shows lines or arrows that link place of origin to destination?
Flowline maps
What features do thematic maps show?
- Climate
- Vegetation types
- Population
What features do choropleth maps show?
- Show thematic data (population)
What features do cartograms maps show?
- To show where territories are seized
What features do dot maps show?
- Illustrate the distribution and density of a particular feature
What does BOLTSS stand for?
B - order O - rientation L - egend T - itle S - cale S - ource
What is the purpose of longitude and latitude?
Latitude and longitude allows us to find exact locations on the earths surface using a set of coordinates.
What does lines of latitude measure?
North and south of the equator. The lines of latitude are parallel because they never intersect.
The equator circles the earth separating …
the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.
What does line of longitude measure?
They measure distance east and west of the prime meridian.
Lines of longitude are known as ..