Christian attitude towards keeping and maintaining life
All life is sacred and should be respected because it is given by god
Any research using embryos is wrong and against the natural law
Cloning- seen as playing god and therefore wrong
Organ donation and blood transfusion- seen as acts of kindness
Buddhist attitude towards keeping and maintaining life
The bodhisattva vow- to help all who need help
Transfusions and transplants- Buddhism leaves it to the individual’s choice
Good thing that you help others selflessly
Concerns about experimenting on embryos- consciousness and pain for them
Jewish attitude towards keeping and maintaining life
- if one is in the position to be able to donate an organ to save a others life, it is obligatory to do so
- genetic engineering is acceptable to get rid of disease, but not to improve gods creation
- research using live embryos is wrong
- Jews have an obligation to preserve human life; transplants and transfusions are permitted
Kohlbergs 3 stages
Pre-conventional level 1. Punishment and obedience 2. Rewards, individual self interest Conventional 3. Seeking approval/avoiding disapproval with peer group and family 4. Law and order Post-conventional 5. Interpretation of the law 6. Universal ethical principles
Gilligans feminist ethics of care
Stage 1: caring only for the self in order to ensure survival
Stage 2: sense of responsibility. Good is equated with caring for others.
Stage 3: acceptance of the principle of care of self and others as a universal, ethical principle. This approach focuses on real-life consequences, whether positive or negative, rather than a program based on abstract principles.