Term 1 Isotopes & Climate Vocabulary Flashcards
learn the basics
Molecules differing in isotopic composition alone
Isotope Ratios
Ratios comparing the abundance of isotopologues
Stable Isotopes
Isotopologues that do not undergo radioactive decay (but may be radiogenic)
Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
Method using fluid states to analyse stable isotope ratio of a sample through ionisation
Delta Notation
The relative difference of isotopic ratios of a sample and a reference standard (reported in parts per thousand, ‰)
The geospatial patterns of isotopologues used to predict isotopic ratios
Rayleigh Fractionation
The evolution of a multi-phase system in which one phase is continuously removed through fractional distillation (the separation of a mixture into its components)
Global Meteoric Water Line
The line formed from the relationship between δ2H SMOW and δ18O SMOW, describing global annual average relationship between H and O isotope ratios in natural meteoric waters (water derived from precipitation)
Dansgaard-Oescherger Periods
Times in which climate switched between cold and ‘warm’ glacial climates, with rapid warming and slow cooling
The part of the ocean above the photic zone
The part of the ocean under the photic zone, including the seafloor
Upwelling Zones
Regions in which colder, denser water sinks to displace warmer water
Microscopic protists characterised by a streaming granular ectoplasm for catching food and a calcite shell (test)
Ice Volume Effect
Water is precipitated onto land, varying the distribution of lighter isotopes
The first vertebrates with mineralised skeletal elements, which developed during the Cambrian and thrived in the Silurian
C3 Plants
Plants using the Calvin cycle to photosynthesise, with CO2 taken in to produce PGA, occurring in cool, wet climates
C4 Plants
Plants using the Hatch-Slack cycle to photosynthesise, in which CO2 passes into the leaves to create oxaloacetic acid, occurring in hot, dry climates
The scientific method of dating and correlating tree rings to establish the exact time of formation
Wood grown at the end of a season, typically darker and denser