Term 1 Content Flashcards
What is a vocation? (DEFINE and DISCUSS with EXAMPLES)
Vocation is a life-calling that is a much broader reality than just a job. Over a lifetime one’s vocation may involve many jobs or may involve no job at all. To understand where each person’s vocation comes from, it is necessary to recall the two creation stories that open the Book of Genesis. In the stories God teaches that men and women have been created in the ‘image’ of God (Genesis 1:27). God is the creator of the universe and continues to sustain and to develop this creation today. This extends to the earth and the environment, people and what is required to sustain them. All people are called to contribute to this ongoing work of creation and bring it to fulfillment.
Where does each person’s vocation come from?
Men and women reflect God’s image and likeness by contributing to their vocation. People’s vocations come from the gifts given by God.
What gifts has God given people to help them to follow their vocation?
God has given each person the gifts needed to follow their vocation in whatever role they pursue. Many people have the gifts needed for marriage. Some have the gifts to be good parents as well as being married. Some have the gifts needed to live singly and even to devote their lives entirely to the service of others. God provides the gifts needed by those who are called to follow people-orientated careers such as nursing, teaching, social work, the priesthood and Religious Life or follow environmentally- orientated careers, such as landscaping, environmental science, farming and gardening. God also provides the gifts for other careers, such as those related to commerce, administration, politics, community leadership, law and order, the arts and entertainment or scientific exploration.
How can people use these gifts to participate in God’s work of creation?
God’s creative activity today sustains the existence of the universe, developing it and perfecting it. People participate in this activity by sustaining and developing the earth, its resources and its life.
How does ‘rest’ contribute to God’s creative activity?
In the first of the Genesis creation stories, God rested on the seventh day. Contributing to God’s creative activity, therefore, also includes a day of rest from unnecessary work
How does work contribute to God’s creative activity?
Paid employment or ‘having a job’ means ‘working for an income’. Most people have to seek paid employment. They will need to study and skill themselves so that they will be capable of working and earning a living.
Why do some people fail to recognise their vocation?
Many people today fail to recognise their vocation or life-calling. They lack direction. Often, they drift through life or simply react to situations in life as they arise. There are many reasons why this happens.
What is spiritual discernment?
Spiritual discernment is a process by which a person in faith and love tries to discover God’s will in a situation. It is a process of continually choosing the values of Jesus and living by his Spirit. Christians are called to spiritually discern God’s will in all life’s important decisions, particularly their vocation.
How does spiritual discernment help people to recognise their vocation?
Some people get support from a spiritual director to help them understand what is influencing their decision. The spiritual director will help people ask questions such as: ‘What are my talents?’ ‘What are my personal strengths and weaknesses?’ ‘What kinds of things do I enjoy doing?’ ‘In my relationships, when do I feel most fulfilled?’
How is salvation achieved?
Salvation is God’s saving action on behalf of the human race. God’s plan for people to be completely united to him could not be realised before the coming
of Christ because of human sin. Only God could change this situation. This required salvation –
God’s saving actions on behalf of the human race. These actions involved:
• destruction of the power of original sin over human beings
• empowerment of people to overcome the effects of original sin
Salvation is achieved once God has to intervene to positively change a situation.
What is the kingdom of God?
The Kingdom of God is not a place. It exists where people acknowledge God’s Lordship over them in the person of Jesus and allow themselves to be transformed by the power of God’s love.
How did Jesus demonstrate the saving power of God?
Jesus demonstrated that God’s saving power is offered to everyone in order to live the Christian life. Many miracles, such as healing miracles, demonstrated what the kingdom can do within people. They showed in visible ways the transformation that the power of God is able to achieve. Even dying on the cross, and then being resurrected 3 days later represents the saving power of God
What is the Triduum?
The four days of Easter services – Holy Thursday, good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday
How does the Triduum celebrate the saving power of God’s Kingdom?
The greatest demonstration of the power of the kingdom was the Resurrection of Jesus. The Resurrection showed that, since it is greater than death, there is no human failing or weakness that can resist God’s saving power.
How does Jesus support his followers through ordained priesthood?
During his life-time, Jesus supported his followers personally. He:
took them away to rest
continued to explain what they did not
promised the Holy Spirit to strengthen them
encouraged them, even after correcting them