Term 1 Flashcards
What is Database?
A database is an organized collection of data.
What is DBMS?
A database management system is a data-keeping and data-linking system
Explain different Datatypes in Access? (different types of database)
- Hierarchical
- Object – Oriented
- Relational
- Network
Names of different DBMS
- Ms Access
- My SQL
- Oracle
- Rave
What is a primary key?
The primary key is used to identify each record on the tables.
How to apply sorting in a Table?
- Select a field you want to sort by.
- Click the Home tab on the ribbon, and locate the Sort & Filter, group.
- Sort the field by selecting the Ascending or descending command.
- The table will now be sorted by the selected field
How to create a database is Ms-Access?
- Open MS Access
- Click an icon, such as blank database.
- Click in the file name text box and type a name for your database
- Click on browse option and choose the location to save your file.
- Click the create button to create your database field.
- Access displays a blank database.
- Click to click to add heading.
- Access displays a menu for defining what type of data that field can hold, such as text or numbers.
- Choose the datatype you want.
- When you have finished adding fields, press Esc on the keyboard.
What are the rules for naming a field?
- A field name can include letters, numbers, and some special characters like (_) underscore.
- A field name cannot have a period (.), an exclamation mark (!), brackets ( {} ) or the grave accent (‘)
- A field name can be in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case.
- It is advisable to use the field name which is easy to remember.
Explain the 2 views in Ms-Access.
Datasheet View: Datasheet view shows the data in the database. It does not let you change the format of the database.
Design View: Design view allows you to create or change the datatypes of different fields in the table.
How to do Mathematical calculations in Access?
Click on Totals in the home tab and select any mathematical operation you want
How to add filters?
Select a field, click on filter, and select the criteria of what you want to make filtered. Or if you want to filter numbers then you click on selection and select your criteria
Different Datatypes
- Short text: Short text can store upto 255 characters. It is a combination of text and numbers.
- Long Text: It can store more than 255 characters and it is a combination of text and numbers.
- Numbers: It can store numerical data.
- Data and time: It helps you to store date and time values.
- Currency: It will help you various currencies.
- Auto Number: Automatic value generated by access for each new record.
- Yes / No: This can have only two values: True or False. True means yes and False means No.
What is relational database?
A relational database is a type of database that stores and provides access to data points that are related to one another.
How to hide or unhide fields/columns in Access?
Select any field, right click, and click on hide field or unhide field depending on you
What do you mean by Cutting Edge Technology?
Cutting-edge means up-to-date, high tech groundbreaking advancement in technology.