Tentaplugg Flashcards
Mosa tentan!
What does the C, I and A stand for in CIA? (explain with a sentence)
C (Confidentiality) - Only authorized users can read specified data
I (Integrity) - Only authorized users can manipulate specified data
A (Accessability) - Authorized users can always access the specified data.
What are the three major categories for user authorization?
- What you know - password
- What you carry - key-card
- What you are - biometrics (fingerprint, iris-pattern)
For the third category of users authentication (Biometrics) - What two values usually cause balancing problems in this category? Give example!
False-rejection and false-acceptance.
Since no readings of a fingerprint or iris is ever the same, this can cause problems in these values.
If the system is to be more secure, a higher level of false-rejection could mean “more secure” while in the time reduce the rate of false-acceptance.
What three entities must exist for a risk to exist?
T (Threat) - Cause of damage to asset.
V (Vulnerability) - Unwanted system property that enables a threat.
D (Damage) - The negative effect of an unwanted event.
If an attacker has access to the unsalted passwords, what type of an attack can the attacker use that uses a space-time tradeoff to break many hashes?
Dictionary attack
Describe how to perform a dictionary attack and the meaning of a space-time tradeoff.
Take a list of common passwords.
Hash them seperately and them compare each hashed password with the actual hashed password. If they match, then you have the correct password.
It is called a spece-time tradeoff because with this method, you decrease the time of the attack at the expense of space due to the hashing of passwords.
What is the most common way of defending against a CSRF-attack and how does it work (the defending).
When a server generates a page, it generates a session-unique token that must be hard to predict and short-lived. This token is stored in the clients session and as a parameter in the websites links.
When the client submits a request, the server then checks that a token is present, that it matches the clients session and that it hasn’t expired.
If all these criteria are met, only then is the request accepted.
(Biometrics) What is enrollment?
When a user first is registered as a user and the biometric features are captured and stored in the user database for the first time.
(Biometrics) What is false rejection rate?
The probability that a legitimate user is declined access.
(Biometrics) What is false acceptance rate?
The probability that an unauthorized user is granted access.
What is a salt and how is it generated?
A randomly selected string that is unique for any user and that is appended to password before hashing.
Should a salt be kept secret?
There is no point since it is usually stored in the open next to the salted hash. The point of a salt is to defeat the dictionary attack by slowing it down.
Describe three properties that are different from other ways of authenticating users.
A biometric feature is attached to a body and can not be removed or is very hard to remove.
Biometric features are not constant so there is a scale on how close the measurement is to the measurement stored from enrollment.
Some persons lack specific biometric features, a finger or hand for example.
Describe the two different principles when interpreting the permission and privilages in access control for users in multiple groups.
“First relevant entry” - The first permission-level in the list of permission-levels per group is the only one concidered to decide if to grant access or not.
“Any permission” - All permission-levels in the list of permissions per group are concidered when deciding if to grant access or not.
In a statistical database , a group of three is too small to conceal numerical values. Why?
You could get one number from commands like MAX or MIN and the middle value from 3xAVERAGE-MIN-MAX
Can a firewall protect against a DoS-attack? How?
A firewall can block offending sender sites, once identified. A firewall can block a DoS attack by blocking the port used by the attack, disabling THIS service, but keeping the rest going as normal.
What is an IDS and how can it protect you from a DoS-attack?
Intrusion Detection System - It can detect probing and identify probing sites, so they can be blocked (by the firewall). By finding a bot in your system that is taking part in a massive DoS-attack and blocking its user you could argue that finding this bot or traces of it is DoS-defence in itself.
How does Kerberoes work? What sercrets are shared by the participants and what final data item dows the user gain in this process?
A client Cliff wants to connect to a server Serge. He first contacts the authentication server Trent and then the access-granting server Grant and then he can get access to Serge.
There are shared secrets between Cliff and Trent, Trent and Grant, Grant and Serge.
In the end, Cliff holds a ticket that he can present to Serge to get access to the service.
Why can’t an email without a digital signature be concidered an “urkund”?
An “urkund” must be “reliably verifiable”.
An email isn’t verifiable by itself, but with a digital signature it could be.
What is the BIBA-model?
“No write up, no read down”
Prevent high integrity objects from being contaminated with low integrity information.
BIBA only deals with integrity.