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E-business (Digitala affärer)
Electronic processes within a firm (using information systems).
Its all about doing business in a digital way so much more that internet shopping.
Reverts primarily to the digital enabling of of transactions and process within a firm, involving information systems under the control of firm.
E-commerce (E-handel)
Making money primarily on the web/in apps.
Involves digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organisations and individuals.
Aka Involves the use of the internet, the webb, mobile app and browser that are running on mobile devices to transact business.
How e-business and e-commerce differs
- E-commerce is a part of e-business
- Unlike e-commerce, E-business does not involve commercial transactions across organisational boundaries where value is exchanged.
- Commercial transactions : involve exchange of value (money) across organisational or individual boundaries in return for products/services. - E-commerce generate profit outside. Meanwhile e-business refers to digitally enabling transactions and process WITHIN a firm, LIKE information system. Ex a company’s online inventory control mechanism are a component of e-business, (but such internal processes do not do not directly generate revenue from the outside business/customer).
-Digitally enabled transactions : include all transactions mediated by digital technology. For the most part this means transactions that occur over the internet. E-business applications turn into e-commerce precisely when an exchange value occurs.
In short, Ellos was a traditional mail order company aka e-business , Thanks to the web they could change their focus, expand and make more profit Aka e-commerce.
Types of E-commerce:
- Business-to-Consumer (B2C) : Online businesses selling to individuals consumers. Ex Amazon, general merchandiser that sells products to retail consumers.
- Business-to-Business (B2B) : Online businesses seeking to other businesses. Ex Go2Paper is an independent third-party marketplace that service paper industries.
- Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) : Consumer selling to other consumer. Auctions sites such as E-bay and tradera. Also Airbnb and Uber provide similar platforms.
- Mobile e-commerce (M-commerce) : Use of mobile devices to enable online transactions. Ex Mobile device such as computers and smartphones can be used to conduct commercial transactions.
- Social e-commerce : E-commerce enabled by social networks and online social relationships. Ex Facebook is both the leading social network and social e-commerce site.
- Local e-commerce : E-commerces that focused on engaging the consumer based on his or hers current geographic locations. Aka location based e-commerce. Holds interest in local on demand service like Uber. Also Groupon offers subscribers daily deals from local businesses in form of groups.
E bay is also everything, its b2c, b2b and c2c
Unique features of e-commerce technology :
- Ubiquity : Available everywhere
- Global reach : Transactions to cross culture and national boundaries
- Universal standards (& often universal pricing): Standard shared all around the world.
- /Information/ richness : the complexity and content of a message. Enables merchant to deliver markting messages in a way not possible with traditional commerce tech.
- Interactivity : Technology that allows for two way communications between online merchant and consumer.
- Information density : the totalt amount and quality of information available to all market participant.
- Personalization & Customization : Increase of information density^ allows merchant to target their marketing messages to specific individuals.
- Social technology : Provides a many to many model of mass communications.
Current trends in e-commerce
- Business trends include
* All forms of e-commerce show very strong growth - Technology trends include:
* The mobile platforms have made mobile e-commerce reality. - Societal trends include:
* Heavily increased online social interaction and sharing
Five primary revenue (intäkt) models
- Advertising : A company provides a forum for advertisements and receives fee
- Subscription : A company offers its users content or service and charges a subscription fee access to some or all of its offerings
- Transaction Fee : A company receives a fee for enabling or executing a transaction.
- Sales : A company derives revenue by selling goods, information or services.
- Affiliate : A company steers business to an affiliate and receives a referral fee or percentage of the revenue from any resulting sales.
Also Freemium strategy: Companies give away a certain level of product or service of product or service for free, but then charge a subscription fee for premium levels of the product or service.
Supply chains
Organizations, people, business processes, technology, information required to produce products efficiently
Often globe.
Supply chain management (S C M)
Activities used to coordinate procurement process
Sustainable Supply Chains
Involves using the most efficient environment regarding means of production, distribution, and logistics.
Care about where everything i buy is produced.
Taking social and ecological interests into account
For example: water usage, air pollution
Steps in developing an e-commerce
- Goal/Visions?
- Business and revenue model?
- Target audience?
- Characteristics of the marketplace?
- Content coming from?
- Swot analysis?
- e-Commerce presence map
- Timeline?
- Budget?
Sell-side e-Commerce?
Webbshop - till kund - nedåt i kedjan
Sell-side inom e-Commerce (e-handel) avser transaktioner som är inblandade i att sälja produkter till en organisations kund.
Buy-side e-Commerce?
Webbshop - köper in varorna från olika leverantörer - uppåt i kedjan
Buy-side inom e-Commerce liknar Sell-side, men är riktad till transaktioner mellan organisationen och leverantören med mellanhänder inräknade.
Exempel på buy-side situation är när ett företag behöver införskaffa råmaterial och då köper detta från en av sina leverantörer. Buy-side involverar med andra ord inte organisationens kunder utan Sell-side göra det. Buy-side är också uppströms (upstream supply chain) i leveranskedjan och Sell-side är nedströms (downstream supply chain) där organisationen är placerad mellan dessa “strömmar”.
Business model
Vad ska din verksamhet göra?
A business model is a set of planned activities (sometimes referred to as business processes) designed to result in a profit in a marketplace.
Business strategy
(Hur ska din verksamhet gå till väga för att tjäna pengar?)
Om man ser till Blocket; deras business model är att vara en plattform för kunder att köpa/sälja sina produkter. De sköter mellanhanden så som hjälper till med betalningsalternativ. Deras vinst i detta är att de tar pengar emellan köpen. Deras “pureplay” är att de enbart är aktiva på nätet, finns ingen fysiskt butik.